List of publications on a keyword: «microorganisms»


Publication date: 11.09.2019
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Viktor D. Pokhilenko , doctor of engineering sciences , leading research scientist
Vladimir V. Perelygin , candidate of biological sciences , leading research scientist
Timur A. Kalmantaev , candidate of biological sciences , research scientist
Konstantin V. Detushev , degree-seeking student , research scientist
Irina A. Chukina , degree-seeking student , engineer
FBIS «State Research Center for Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology» of Rospotrebnadzor , Московская обл

«Antimicrobial properties of the peptide substance Bacillus Subtilis PSF-19»

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The subject of the study is a strain of Bacillus subtilis PSF-19 isolated by us from vegetable raw materials (Passiflora preparation), which is capable of producing antimicrobial substance (AMV) suppressing pathogenic bacteria. The article discusses the method and conditions of extraction from the culture fluid fraction of AMV, active against Listeria monocytogenes – one of the dangerous intestinal pathogens that infect food. Using biochemical methods and mass spectroscopy, the molecular weight and the peptide nature of the active fraction of AMV were determined. A fraction of AMV with a molecular weight of 3,4–3,6 kDa has bactericidal activity, which is destroyed by treatment with proteolytic enzymes, which allowed it to be attributed to the group of low-molecular antimicrobial peptides – bacteriocins. The studies allow to consider the strain Bacillus subtilis PSF-19 as a producer of bacteriocin, especially effective against pathogens of intestinal listeriosis. The establishment of the fact of destructibility of proteolytic enzymes, finding the conditions of microbiological synthesis of AMV, its isolation and accumulation for research, provide opportunities for practical use as a means for decontamination of the environment instead of traditional antibiotics.

Биологические науки

Publication date: 04.07.2017
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Seysembay M. Imbay , candidate of agricultural sciences
Khosmyrza Z. Zhumabaev , candidate of veterinary medicine
Zhandarbek M. Zhsupbekov
AI "S. Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University" , Kazakhstan

«Исследование микрофлоры воздуха на объектах»

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Air is an unfavorable environment for the reproduction of microorganisms. The study of the air included: sampling from objects (dining room, toilet, clinic) and studying their microflora. Sedimentation and aspiration methods were used in the study of air samples. In the study of morphological properties, most of the isolated microorganisms are Gram-positive globular (80-90%) and only from sample No. 3 - rod-shaped Gram-negative. As a result of the study, we found that the most contaminated micro

Publication date: 30.09.2016
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Larisa A. Erofeevskaya
Institute of Oil and Gas Problems SD of RAS , Саха /Якутия/ Респ

«Prospect of using soil bacteria for rehabilitation of contaminated soils in cold climate condition»

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This article presents the results of microbiological tests of soils in emergency oil and gas facilities in Yakutia. The author found that in the process of self-healing soil is not sufficiently cleansed of hydrocarbon contamination and are in the environmental stress. The signs of soil degradation are thinning or absence of vegetation, phytotoxicity, changes in physical and chemical properties of the soil: formation of lumpy soil structure, hydrophobicity, salinity, high pH values, lack of available phosphorus, nitrate nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, phytotoxicity.