List of publications on a keyword: «masculinity»
Физическое воспитание и здоровьесберегающая деятельность
ГУО «Академия последипломного образования» , Belarus
«Проблемы в становлении гендерной идентичности спортсменок в традиционно мужских видах спорта»
The article touches gendernoy authentication of sportswomen in those types of sport, which are traditionally considered masculine. The circle of types of sport which accustoms women broadens constantly. However attitude of society toward it not simply, that tells on the psychological state of sportswomen. Probably, specific psychological accompaniment can be required them.
MBDOU Detskii sad 98 "Zagadka''. , Красноярский край
Nadezhda A. Shinkareva , candidate of pedagogic sciences
FSBEI of HE "Irkutsk State University" , Иркутская обл
«Plot-role game as a means of femininity development in girls of the sixth year of life»
The article deals with the problem of developing the qualities of femininity in girls of the sixth year of life. The urgency of this problem is due to profound changes in society, as there is an intensive confusion of gender ideas about male and female roles, the value of gender is lost. Femininity is a complex formation. In the sixth year of life, children have already formed an idea of their gender, and children are able to characterize it by certain signs. At the same time, it is quite difficult for children of this age to identify meaningful characteristics, to highlight the qualities that characterize children as representatives of a certain gender. The analysis of the possibilities of the plot-role-playing game as a means of developing femininity is presented.
FBPEI K/g №7 of Primorye District , Санкт-Петербург г
«Gender approach in preschool children upbringing in the conditions of preschool institution»
This article describes the challenges faced by teachers while implementation of gender education in a preschool institution. The authors note targets for the successful development of boys and girls, that in the future makes a significant impact on personal development and enable them to be successful in today's society.