List of publications on a keyword: «рекреационная зона»

Культурология и искусствоведение

Publication date: 05.05.2016
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Regina G. Shipshinskayte
FSAEI of HE "Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University" , Калининградская обл
Nataliya A. Zayceva , doctor of economic sciences
FSBEI of HE "Plekhanov Russian University of Economics" , Москва г

«Current state and development trends of cultural and educational tourism in the Kaliningrad Region»

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In article results of research of a condition of development of cultural and informative tourism are reflected in the Kaliningrad region. Tourist potential of the tourist and recreational zones allocated in the project on development of the Concept of complex development of tourism in the Kaliningrad region for 2012 — 2018/2022 years is. On the basis of the revealed factors having negative impact on development of cultural and informative tourism in the region recommendations on developments of

Экономические науки

Publication date: 07.10.2016
Evaluate the material Average score: 4 (Всего: 1)
Alena A. Panteleeva
FSBEI of HE "Altai State University" , Алтайский край

«Экономико-экологические проблемы развития рекреационной зоны Республики Алтай»

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Цель данной статьи – дать анализ экономико-экологической ситуации рекреационной зоны в Республике Алтай, а также предложить ряд мер по стратегическому развитию региона.