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Теория и методика профессионального образования

Publication date: 22.02.2022
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Alina A. Potiomkina , bachelor
MBOU "SOSh 4" Alekseevskogo gorodskogo okruga Belgorodskoi oblasti , Белгородская обл

«Opyt podgotovki k demonstratsionnomu ekzamenu»

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В статье рассмотрен поэтапный подход к подготовке обучающихся к демонстрационному экзамену в рамках учебной практики с применением методики стандартов WorldSkills.

Publication date: 22.02.2022
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Mariia V. Sinitsyna , candidate of pedagogic sciences
Nizhnetagil'skii tekhnologicheskii institut (filial) FGAOU VO "Ural'skii federal'nyi universitet im. pervogo Prezidenta Rossii B.N. El'tsina" , Свердловская обл

«Prakticheskie zadaniia dlia samostoiatel'noi raboty studentov neiazykovogo vuza»

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Дистанционное обучение в вузе в условиях пандемии предполагает акцент на самостоятельную работу студентов. По мнению автора, правильно подобранный материал и упражнения, ориентированные на уровень владения языком – основа успеха обучения иностранному языку

Publication date: 18.02.2022
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Sergey L. Danilchenko , academician of the RANH, academician RANS, academician of RAMT, Honorary Worker of Education and Enlightenment of the Russian Federation, doctor of historical sciences, professor , professor, academician of RANS, Russian Academy of Medical Technology, Russian Academy of Natural History, head of Research center of education development
Institut obshchestvennykh nauk i mezhdunarodnykh otnoshenii FGAOU VO "Sevastopol'skii gosudarstvennyi universitet" , Севастополь г

«The concept of the development of methodological work at the Institute of Social Sciences and International Relations of the FSAOU in SevSU»

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The main task of methodological work at the university is to link into a single methodological block the entire system of scientific-methodological and organizational-methodological support of training areas at the Institute, and not just individual disciplines, to significantly improve the quality of bachelor's and master's training on this basis. The educational and methodological work provides for improving the quality of methodological training of the teaching staff, the development of thematic plans, methodological manuals and other methodological materials. The university should carry out systematic work on methodological support not only for individual academic disciplines, but also for educational processes that ensure the preparation of bachelor's and master's degrees.