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Reorganization of the grammatical structure of the authentic text as a result of adaptation by the example of the novel by Maugham «The Painted Veil»

Theses of Report
DOI: 10.21661/r-111449
Open Access
Published in:
Internationa Extra-murral Online Conference «Scientific Dialogue: Issues of Humanitarian Studies»
Novikova N.A. 1
Scientific adviser:
Beresnev A.A.2
Work direction:
Филология и литература
Article accesses:
1 Humanities and Education Science Academy (a branch) FSAEI of HE "V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University", Yalta
2 Institute of Philology, History and Arts of Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy (branch) FSAEI of HE "Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky "
For citation:
Novikova N. A. (Jan 1, 1900). Reorganization of the grammatical structure of the authentic text as a result of adaptation by the example of the novel by Maugham «The Painted Veil». Scientific Dialogue: Issues of Humanitarian Studies. Cheboksary: SCC "Interactive plus", LLC. https://doi.org/10.21661/r-111449

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The article describes the main features of the grammatical adaptation of the original text on the example of a particular work of art. This article also identifies the most frequently exposed to simplification the grammatical phenomenon and the analysis of the above mentioned changes.


  1. 1. Малый академический словарь. – М.: Институт русского языка Академии наук СССР Евгеньева А.П., 1957–1984. – 406 с.
  2. 2. Maugham W.S. The painted veil / У.С. Моэм. – СПб.: Антология; Каро, 2014. – 256 с.
  3. 3. Maugham W.S. The painted veil / У.С. Моэм / Адапт., сокр. и словарь И.Б. Загородней. – СПб.: Антология, 2015. – 192 с.


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