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Anglicisms in the language of German veterinary medicine

DOI: 10.21661/r-112830
Open Access
IX International Research-to-practice Conference «A new word in science: development perspectives»
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IX International Research-to-practice Conference «A new word in science: development perspectives»
Khakimova G.A. 1
Work direction:
Филология и лингвистика
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Cited by:
1 articles
1 FSBEI of HE "Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies – MVA named after K.I. Skryabin"
For citation:
Khakimova G. A. (2016). Anglicisms in the language of German veterinary medicine. A new word in science: development perspectives, 137-140. Cheboksary: SCC "Interactive plus", LLC. https://doi.org/10.21661/r-112830

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The article considers the problem of the use of English borrowings in German veterinary term system. Observed in the world anglification of modern German in the field of medicine, the consequence of which is the integration of a large number of English-language terminology synonyms in German professional language of veterinary medicine, causes the need to be examined by students of German and English languages.


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