Ислам в ФРГ в XXI веке: проблемы социокультурной интеграции

- Published in:
- X International Scientific and Practical Conference «A new word in science: development perspectives». Volume 1
- Author:
- Seredintseva D. V. 1
- Work direction:
- Социология
- Rating:
- Article accesses:
- 2060
- Published in:
- eLibrary.ru
1 FSAEI of HE "Volgograd State University"
For citation:
Seredintseva D. V. (2016). Ислам в ФРГ в XXI веке: проблемы социокультурной интеграции. A new word in science: development perspectives, 1(4 (10)), 181-182. Cheboksary: SCC "Interactive plus", LLC.
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The article is devoted the problem of the EU and in particular Germany – migration. Among the refugees are a tendency of rejection of the traditions of a new society that contributes to their alienation and the creation of a separate ghetto of radical Islamist groups. As a result of the analysis it was established that Germany has taken specific measures to limit the flow of immigrants on the territory they control, in order to the national security of its citizens.
- 1. Каудер Ф. Ислам не имеет отношения к Германии. ИноСМИ. – 2012.
- 2. Галкин А.А. Исламский аспект иммиграционной проблемы / Отв. ред. М.П. Мчедлов; Институт социологии РАН. – 2009. – С. 465–487.