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Application of the theory of lacunae in intercultural communication

Research Article
DOI: 10.21661/r-130203
Open Access
Monthly international academic journal «Interactive science»
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Monthly international academic journal «Interactive science»
Wang Yue 1
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1 Institute of Foreign Languages and Literature, Beijing Normal University
For citation:
Wang Y. (2017). Application of the theory of lacunae in intercultural communication. Interactive science, 88-90. https://doi.org/10.21661/r-130203

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This article details with the historical, daily, numerological, religious and geographical aspects of lacunae formation. With the help of diachronic analysis, the characteristics of Russia and China’s national consciousness have been revealed. It is established that national traditions and mentality are best traced in literature works and oral folklore. Classical mythological characters, which are recognized by different peoples, also serve as one of the leading roles in the formation of reader’s consciousness. Therefore, these mythological characters can be used as a connecting means of interlingual communication.


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