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Toxic and fire hazard of flooring

Research Article
DOI: 10.21661/r-465392
Open Access
Monthly international scientific journal «Interactive science»
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Published in:
Monthly international scientific journal «Interactive science»
Illarionova L. V. 1
Scientific adviser:
Anosova E. B.1
Work direction:
Article accesses:
Published in:
1 Dmitry Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia
For citation:
Illarionova L. V. (2017). Toxic and fire hazard of flooring. Interactive science, 65-69. https://doi.org/10.21661/r-465392

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UDC 614.849


Polymer materials have become widespread in the modern construction industry due to their cheapness and variety. With regard to their popularity at the present time there can appear the issues of their toxic and fire danger. The work has studied the samples of two floor synthetic building materials. The results of the determination of the fire hazard indicators of materials (combustibility, flammability, smoke ratio) showed their compliance with the current certificates. The authors have studied the properties of gaseous combustion products of samples by the method of thermal analysis and FTIR analysis. The results of chloride ions analysis according the formula of Maxwell-Mohr in thermolysis products indicate the toxicity of the materials studied.


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