Specifics of the implicit expression of the author’s gender identity in 19th and 20th century German-language female memories
Research Article
DOI: 10.21661/r-468059
Open Access

- Published in:
- Monthly international scientific journal «Interactive science»
- Author:
- Kessler L.A. 1
- Work direction:
- Филология
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- Article accesses:
- 2794
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1 FSAEI of HE "Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University"
For citation:
Kessler L. A. (2018). Specifics of the implicit expression of the author’s gender identity in 19th and 20th century German-language female memories. Interactive science, 92-95. https://doi.org/10.21661/r-468059
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DOI: 10.21661/r-468059
This article covers the expression of implicit gender identity of the subject of speech activity in the 19th and 20th century women's memories. The study revealed that implicit gender aspects associated with linguistic ascertainment of gender stereotypes presented in female linguistic material form the lexico-semantic category of “Character”. Within this category, the lexico-semantic sub-categories “Emotionality”, “Fearfulness and diffidence” and “Dreaminess” play a significant role, representing the corresponding stereotypes.
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