Analysis of possibility of placing the parking of cars on free city spaces on the example of the central region of the city of Volgograd
Research Article
DOI: 10.21661/r-470978
Open Access

- Published in:
- Monthly international scientific journal «Interactive science»
- Authors:
- Nikulina V. I. 1 , Savitskii S. V. 1 , Sidorov K. S. 1
- Work direction:
- Технические науки
- Rating:
- Article accesses:
- 2665
- Published in:
- doaj
- КиберЛенинка
1 FSFEI of HE “Volgograd State Technical University”
For citation:
Nikulina V. I., Savitskii S. V., & Sidorov K. S. (2018). Analysis of possibility of placing the parking of cars on free city spaces on the example of the central region of the city of Volgograd. Interactive science, 47-50.
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UDC 69
DOI: 10.21661/r-470978
The paper presents an analysis of the motorization level in the Volga-Grad region. The lack of places for temporary storage of cars in Volgograd was confirmed and influence degree of parking insufficiency on the deterioration of traffic conditions and the risks of the occurrence of road accidents were assessed. Theoretically were justified and proposed options for the organization of temporary storage of vehicles on the example of the Central District of Volgograd.
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