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Legal regulation of professional suitability psychological examination of candidates for service and employees of law enforcement agencies using a polygraph detector

Research Article
Monthly international scientific journal «Interactive science»
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Monthly international scientific journal «Interactive science»
Nikishkin A. V. 1 , Bialt V. S. 1 , Demidov A. V. 1
Work direction:
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Published in:
1 FSEI of HE "Saint Petersburg University of RF Ministry of Internal Affairs"
For citation:
Nikishkin A. V., Bialt V. S., & Demidov A. V. (2018). Legal regulation of professional suitability psychological examination of candidates for service and employees of law enforcement agencies using a polygraph detector. Interactive science, 107-110.

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UDC 34


The article describes the features of the psychological examination of professional suitability of candidates for service and employees of the internal Affairs bodies with the use of the polygraph, the significance of the polygraph in the selection process of candidates, as well as the possibilities of the polygraph in the study of psychophysiological characteristics of the individual are analyzed.


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  2. 2. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva RF ot 06.12.2012 1259 (red. ot 06.03.2015) "Ob utverzhdenii Pravil professional'nogo psikhologicheskogo otbora na sluzhbu v organy vnutrennikh del Rossiiskoi Federatsii". Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF, 50.
  3. 3. Prikaz MVD Rossii ot 30.11.2012 1065 (red. ot 30.09.2016) "O nekotorykh voprosakh naznacheniia na dolzhnosti v organakh vnutrennikh del Rossiiskoi Federatsii i uvol'neniia so sluzhby sotrudnikov organov vnutrennikh del Rossiiskoi Federatsii". Rossiiskaia gazeta, 15.
  4. 4. Proekt Federal'nogo zakona 478780-5 "O primenenii poligrafa" (red., vnesennaia v GD FS RF, tekst po sostoianiiu na 24.12.2010) (red., vnesennaia v GD FS RF, tekst po sostoianiiu na 24.12.2010).
  5. 5. Pis'mo Minzdravsotsrazvitiia Rossii ot 7 maia 2010 g. 6157-17 "O sovershenstvovanii zakonodatel'noi i inoi normativnoi pravovoi bazy Rossiiskoi Federatsii po voprosam regulirovaniia primeneniia poligrafa v otnoshenii lits, pretenduiushchikh zameshchenie dolzhnostei gosudarstvennoi sluzhby".
  6. 6. Federal'nyi zakon ot 30.11.2011 342-FZ (red. ot 01.07.2017) "O sluzhbe v organakh vnutrennikh del Rossiiskoi Federatsii i vnesenii izmenenii v otdel'nye zakonodatel'nye akty". Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF, 49.


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