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Orthodox culture as a factor in development of person and society

Research Article
DOI: 10.21661/r-472576
Open Access
Monthly international scientific journal «Interactive science»
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Monthly international scientific journal «Interactive science»
Morozov V.V. 1
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1 FSBE of HE "SIberian Fire-Rescue Academy"
For citation:
Morozov V. V. (2018). Orthodox culture as a factor in development of person and society. Interactive science, 52-54. https://doi.org/10.21661/r-472576

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UDC 101.9:316.614


This article analyzes the influence of Orthodoxy on the development of civilization, culture and identity of a citizen of Russia. Civilization and personality – are two identical systems, which are based on the identical paradigm. Cultural and civilizational identity of the Russian people resisted and continues to produce Civilization «material». Orthodox education is a major source of Russian human spirituality, which is the key to social and national security of Russia.


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