Features of verbal and logical thinking in primary school-aged children with mild mental disabilities

- Published in:
- International Scientific and Practical Conference «Scientific studies and modern education»
- Author:
- Zamkina Z. G. 1
- Work direction:
- Психология
- Rating:
- Article accesses:
- 1741
- Published in:
- eLibrary.ru
1 MKOU Novoberezovskoi SOSh
For citation:
Zamkina Z. G. (2018). Features of verbal and logical thinking in primary school-aged children with mild mental disabilities. Scientific studies and modern education, 136-139. Cheboksary: SCC "Interactive plus", LLC.
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The main task of the research is the study and analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodical literature on the problem of research. Determining of the development’s features of verbal-logical thinking in primary school-aged children with mild mental disabilities
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