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Razvitie meditsinskogo turizma v Indii: poslednee desiatiletie

DOI: 10.21661/r-557088
Open Access
II International Scientific and Practical Conference «Society and Science: Future Development»
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Published in:
II International Scientific and Practical Conference «Society and Science: Future Development»
Kumar А. 1
Work direction:
Медицинские науки
Article accesses:
Published in:
1 Jawaharlal Nehru University
For citation:
Kumar A. (2022). Razvitie meditsinskogo turizma v Indii: poslednee desiatiletie. Society and Science: Future Development, 9-12. Cheboksary: SCC "Interactive plus", LLC. https://doi.org/10.21661/r-557088

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Medical tourism in India promises a bright spot for multiple reasons both from the side of the arriving patients as well as from the supply side. It has multiple modes of treatment which are availed by the incoming patients from Ayurveda to Buddhist to Herbal medicinal treatments. In terms of pharmaceutical cost and availability as well, India fares better than many countries which are seen especially in generic medicines that India is known for and which have brought India both friendship as well as hostility from countries. The post-COVID world is starkly new in terms of the medical world. It has radically altered how we perceive the medical field and the world around it. India's medical tourism is no exception as it faces challenges in contemporary times. This paper studies the development of medical tourism in India in the previous decade. The study provides an overview of medical tourism in India and the reasons for the country becoming one of the popular choices for patients from abroad.


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