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Determination of prospects for the use of raw materials of wasps' nests in medicine

DOI: 10.21661/r-559739
Open Access
International Scientific and Practical Conference «Issues of Science and Education: New Approaches and Current Studies»
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Published in:
International Scientific and Practical Conference «Issues of Science and Education: New Approaches and Current Studies»
Nadezhdin I.K. 1 , Nesterova N. V. 2 , Nesterova O. V. 2
Work direction:
Медицинские науки
Article accesses:
Published in:
1 Resource Center "The Sechenov Pre-University" of SBEI of HE "I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation"
2 SBEI of HPE "I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University" of Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation
For citation:
Nadezhdin I. K., Nesterova N. V., & Nesterova O. V. (2023). Determination of prospects for the use of raw materials of wasps' nests in medicine. Issues of Science and Education: New Approaches and Current Studies, 34-39. Cheboksary: SCC "Interactive plus", LLC. https://doi.org/10.21661/r-559739

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During the analysis of scientific literature, the ways of human use of insects, in particular wasps, were studied. The structure and composition of wasp nests, which includes resins, plant fibers, wasp secretions, have been studied. Qualitative reactions and spectrophotometry were carried out to determine the presence of certain active substances in the raw materials of the wasp nest. Flavonoids, carbohydrates, amino and hydroxy acids, phenol-carboxylic substances were detected in the raw materials. Based on the data obtained, the prospects and effectiveness of using raw materials of wasp nests for the manufacture of anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents were proved.


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