Sotsial'no-pedagogicheskaia deiatel'nost' v letnem lagere s dnevnym prebyvaniem detei
Theses of Report
- Published in:
- International Research-to-practice Conference «Pedagogical innovations: from theory to practice»
- Author:
- Belov N. I. 1
- Work direction:
- Общее направление
- Rating:
- Article accesses:
- 3717
1 Solikamskii gosudarstvennyi pedagogicheskii institut (filial) FGBOU VO "Permskii gosudarstvennyi natsional'nyi issledovatel'skii universitet"
For citation:
Belov N. I. (Jan 1, 1900). Sotsial'no-pedagogicheskaia deiatel'nost' v letnem lagere s dnevnym prebyvaniem detei. Pedagogical innovations: from theory to practice. Cheboksary: SCC "Interactive plus", LLC. Retrieved March 20, 2025, from https:/
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Children in any educational organization are different categories of children who may need professional help and support. The given article presents the range of tasks that need to be addressed in the course of socio-pedagogical activity in a summer camp with day stay of children.