Sherstobitova Svetlana Vladimirovna

Author's articles(2)

Особенности организации здоровьесберегающего пространства современной молодежи



The article considers the main approaches to understanding the culture of a healthy way of life, taking into account aspects of personalization and socialization of the individual as a priority in the formation of youth, proposed feature of some forms of work to get higher or specialized secondary education, health-promoting organization of space.

Особенности отраслевого спектра действия принципов права в обеспечении прав и свобод человека и гражданина



This article raises important legal problem of understanding the principles of law. The authors analyze various aspects of the functions of the principles of law in the domestic legal environment, focusing on strengthening the enforcement orientation in respecting the rights and freedoms of man and citizen in the development of civil society.