Andreeva Olga Pimenovna

Place of work

FSBEI of HE “I.N. Ulianov Chuvash State University”
assistant professor
candidate of pedagogic sciences

Author's articles(2)

Decorative and applied art as a means of forming the future designer's creative activity



представлен опыт преподавания дисциплины «Декоративное искусство в дизайне среды» для студентов, обучающихся по направлению 54.03.01. Дизайн. Изложены применяемые на занятиях образовательные технологии, сопутствующие методы организации. Особое внимание уделено методу проектов как способа развития творческого мышления обучающихся и основы формирования навыков профессиональной деятельности.

Fine receptions of water coloring painting as a means of realization of creative ideas of future designers



this article deals with the task of design education in the training of specialists who are ready to implement creative ideas in the design of environmental objects. It gives a detailed analysis discipline of academic painting. It is reported about the study of pictorial techniques, rules and patterns of academic painting, which are necessary when performing creative tasks. The stages of color design of the project are considered in detail, with the implementation of which various graphic techniques of watercolor painting are used.