Nguen Khong zhang

Place of work

FSBEI of HE “Pushkin State Russian Language Institute”
Магистрант II курса
bachelor of pedagogic sciences

Author's articles(2)

Приемы преподавания фразеологизмов во вьетнамской аудитории (на материале фразеологизмов тематической группы «Ум – глупость»)

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in the article, in the case of phraseology of the thematic group «Mind-stupidity», various methodological developments are presented that contribute to better assimilation of this group of stable expressions in the Vietnamese audience. Special emphasis is placed on exercises based on a transfer method, designed to teach Russian in a Vietnamese audience by Vietnamese teachers.

Отражение концепта «глупость» в русских и вьетнамских фразеологизмах, пословицах и поговорках

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the article explores different aspects of the concept «stupidity» presented in Russian and Vietnamese phraseology, proverbs and sayings. Based on the comparative analysis of Russian and Vietnamese stable expressions, united by the concept «stupidity», it is concluded that in most characteristics the understanding of this concept in Russian and Vietnamese coincide. The most important non-matching characteristic of the concept «stupidity» is that Russian linguoculture is characterized by ambivalent understanding of stupidity, in the light of which stupidity can be a phenomenon closely related to...