Buriakov Vadim Nikolaevich

Author's articles(3)

Formirovanie upravlencheskoi kompetentnosti budushchikh ofitserov

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автор рассматривает вопрос формирования управленческой компетенции у будущих офицеров, приводит определения управленческой компетенции с точки зрения различных исследователей, выделяет ее функции.

Federal Service of the Russian Federation National Guard Troops in the System of Bodies Ensuring the State and Public Safety

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the article is devoted to the created powerful Federal Executive body – the Federal service of the Russian Federation national guard troops. The authors emphasize that the creation of this body was due to the desire to protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, and to ensure state, public and information security, which are the most important elements of the national security of the country. The tasks and powers of the Russian Federation national guard troops are described.

Russia in the Modern World. The Importance of the Federal National Guard Service in Maintaining Peace and Security

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the article deals with the Russian normative orientation towards maintaining international peace and security, formation of a multipolar world model, cooperation and joint planning of strategic stability, and the forms of ensuring public security and public order by Rosgvardiya.