Malkov Andrei Alekseevich

Place of work

FSBEI of HPE “Chuvash State Pedagogical University named after I.Yа. Yakovlev”
bachelor of pedagogic sciences

Author's articles(3)

Organizatsiia protsessa fizicheskoi podgotovki voennosluzhashchikh k ezhekvartal'noi proverke



анализ проведенных тестирований физической подготовленности военнослужащих показывает, не знание некоторых военнослужащих основных принципов и методов физического развития, а также не умения составлять план самостоятельных занятий. Данная статья содержит формы, задачи, основные принципы и методы физической подготовки.

Organization of Training Process for Preparation to 10x10 Shuttle Run Exam



analysis of literature sources showed insufficient coverage of the issue of preparation for passing the standards in the exercise Shuttle run 10*10 m. You can find a General description of the exercise, but without specific recommendations, or General recommendations for preparing for the 60 – 100m test. Although the method of preparation for the 60, 100 m competition is similar to the method of preparation for the 10*10 m shuttle run, it still has a number of fundamental differences. This article contains tools, methods, and practical recommendations for preparing for implementation. standard...

Organization of Training Process for Preparation to 10x10 Shuttle Run Exam



analysis of literature sources showed insufficient coverage of the issue of preparation for passing the standards in the exercise Shuttle run 10*10 m. You can find a General description of the exercise, but without specific recommendations, or General recommendations for preparing for the 60 – 100m test. Although the method of preparation for the 60, 100 m competition is similar to the method of preparation for the 10*10 m shuttle run, it still has a number of fundamental differences. This article contains tools, methods, and practical recommendations for preparing for implementation. standard...