List of publications on a keyword: «standards»
Технические науки

Khujand Politechnical Institute, Tajik Technical University named after academic M.S.Osimi , Tajikistan
«The importance of compliance in ensuring safety and quality»

This article examines the key aspects of compliance with standards and rules in construction. She emphasizes not only the importance of meeting these standards to ensure the safety of workers and users, but also the impact on the quality of the final product. The article offers an analysis of the risks associated with violating codes and regulations, as well as recommendations for effective compliance to achieve successful results in the construction industry.

FSBEI of HPE “Chuvash State Pedagogical University named after I.Yа. Yakovlev” , Чувашская Республика - Чувашия
«Organization of Training Process for Preparation to 10x10 Shuttle Run Exam»

Analysis of literature sources showed insufficient coverage of the issue of preparation for passing the standards in the exercise Shuttle run 10*10 m. You can find a General description of the exercise, but without specific recommendations, or General recommendations for preparing for the 60 – 100m test. Although the method of preparation for the 60, 100 m competition is similar to the method of preparation for the 10*10 m shuttle run, it still has a number of fundamental differences. This article contains tools, methods, and practical recommendations for preparing for implementation. standard shuttle run 10*10 m.

Vladimir branch FSBEI HE "Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration" , Владимирская обл
Peng Wang , general manager
LLC "Dunfen Motor Rus" , Москва г
«Labor market in Russia: modern features and management»

Modern features of the labor market in Russia as well as the factors determining these features are considered in the article. The indicators of population income are presented. Regional features of the labor market are shown. The problems of the labor market development are identified and authors presented some suggestions for solving these problems.

FSBEI of HE "State University of Management" , Москва г
«Chechen republic’s socio-economic development data analysis»

The analysis of socio-economic state of Chechen Republic is given in this article. The data given in this analysis can be used in order to find a way to optimize region’s level of development. The author gives detailed data on both socio-economic state of the country and region’s GRP growth (development) rate. The data presented in the article are the most recent.
Экономика (экономическая теория, финансы, бухгалтерский учет, статистика и др.)

Roksana V. Morgunova , candidate of economic sciences
Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs , Владимирская обл
«Compel to increase cross-cultural management of the organization»

В статье отражена актуальность сближения национальных особенностей учета финансовых результатов с международными стандартами финансовой отчетности. Особое внимание уделено кросс-культурной проблеме корпораций. Каждой компании, желающей выйти на международный рынок, необходимо повышать кросс-культурную компетенцию.
Технические науки

Ilia P. Mikhnev , Honored Worker of Science and Education, candidate of engineering sciences, associate professor , associate professor
Volgograd Institute of Management, branch of FSBEI of HE "Russian Presiden-tial Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (The Presidential Academy, RANEPA)" , Волгоградская обл
«International financial reporting standard: basic concepts (XBRL) of the eXtensible Business Reporting Language»

Institut obshchestvennykh nauk i mezhdunarodnykh otnoshenii FGAOU VO "Sevastopol'skii gosudarstvennyi universitet" , Севастополь г
«Sotsializatsiia kak obrazovatel'nyi protsess»

The purpose of socialization as an educational process in any country is that of German youth to make the Germans, French - French, Chinese - Chinese and Russian - Russian super-ethnic community. In the world still interacting and opposing two opposite ways of life, two ways of life, having two opposite systems of spiritual values and philosophy for two economy, based on liberalism and traditionalism.
[08.00.00] Экономические науки

M. Kotanyan Institute of Economics National Academy of Science of Armenia , Armenia
«Ways of radical change of the image of tax and customs officers»

The article discusses the problem concerning some changes in image of tax and customs officers. Tax and customs system is a multifunctional structure, therefore, in order to ensure unified application of the legislation, professional training of staff should be organized by means of guidelines, workshop discussions, qualification trainings and other instruments, which should be attended by the employees of territorial and regional tax and customs authorities. Along with implementation of legislative reforms and application of advanced technologies for increase of confidence in tax system and expansion of capabilities, the role of a professional tax officer is of high importance.
Экономика предпринимательства, организация и управление предприятиями, отраслями, комплексами

Dmitry Y. Pravnik , candidate of psychological sciences
FSAEI of HE «National Nuclear Research University MEPhI» , Москва г
«The development of independent evaluation system of stuff professional qualifications in the nuclear industry according to the requirements of professional standards»

The process of evaluation of qualifications of the nuclear industry employees is described. Assessment of qualifications is carried out in accordance with the requirements of professional standards. The list of professional qualifications in the field of nuclear energy is approved. Each qualification is based on the description of job functions. Assessment tool skill is the assessment tools set. The expert groups are organized to develop the assessment tools sets.
Система дошкольного, школьного и внешкольного (дополнительного) образования

Marina S. Kalinina , candidate of pedagogic sciences
Volgograd State Social Pedagogical University , Волгоградская обл
«Role and place of control-examinational strategies in the school educational system»

The article is devoted to the problem of modernization of the current school education system and the necessity of searching effective methods and means for students to be prepared for the tests and exams taking into account the modern requirements. The author defines the concept of «control-examinational strategies». The repertoire of knowledge and skills included in this type of strategies is presented. The necessity of teaching students control-examinational strategies is actualized and proved.
Культурология и искусствоведение

Republic Center of Folk Art , Бурятия Респ
Alima B. Chimitova , candidate of economic sciences
FSBEI of HE "East Siberia State University of Technology and Management" , Бурятия Респ
«The analysis of services of cultural and leisure institutions of municipalities in the Republic of Buryatia»

The researchers provide the analysis of services of cultural and leisure institutions of municipalities in the Republic of Buryatia in accordance with social standards and norms of the population's access to the cultural and leisure institutions approved by order of the government of the Russian Federation from January 26, 2017 №95 “Changes which are made in social standards and norms, approved by order of the government of the Russian Federation from July 3, 1996 №1063-р”.

FSFEI of HE "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation" , Москва г
«Organization of international practical training of students at the tourism university»

The article deals with organization of international practical training of students at the tourism university, provides a brief analysis of researchers on students’ practical training, makes the case for international practical training of students, gives classification of international practical training, shows advantages and disadvantages of students’ practical training abroad and the benefits of tourism university graduates as well who has experience in international practical training.

The Moscow Department of Education , Москва г
Nadezhda S. Vinogradova , candidate of political sciences
Vladimir G. Ponomarev
FSBEI of HE "Razumovskiy Moscow State University of Technology and Management" , Москва г
«The main problems in the process of identifying individual educational trajectories of student and their decision by means of electronic services and the «Digital profile» model»

The authors describe the specifics of the transition to student-centered learning standards, the main issues arising in the framework of the process of identifying an individual trajectory of student learning and methods of their solutions through the use of the «digital profile» model. The researchers present the organization scheme of school education in the framework of construction of individual educational trajectory of a student, describe the main barriers to the implementation of the scheme. Prospects of application of the «big data» technology in the construction of individual educational trajectory are considered.

Lyudmila A. Myasnikova
The Moscow Department of Education , Москва г
«Main methods of construction of the «Digital profile» model on the example of schools in Moscow»

The article presents the basic principles of construction of models of digital profiles of the student, class, school and teacher. The initial data, presented in the impersonal form, consist of students’ grades from three Moscow schools. The data have been obtained from the «electronic diary» and handed over to the Department of Education of Moscow to work on it.

MSBMEI of HE “Academy of Civil Defense of the Ministry of Emergency Measures of Russia” , Московская обл
«The main aspects of methodology of quality management system»

This article describes the formation and development of quality management as an integrated system. The author considers the theory and methodology of quality management since the early XXth century to the present day and describes the main problems encountered in the process of quality management system, as well as the ways to overcome them.

Donbass Academy of Law , Ukraine
«Educational policy as a component of social policy of the state»

Aleksandr I. Chikalov
Sevastopol Brunch of Lomonosov Moscow State University , Севастополь г
«Соотношение творческой и нетворческой деятельности в общественной жизни»

Taking place in the conditions of industrial society processes (in particular the accelerating pace of technological progress, improved living standards, increased education of the population) dramatically increase society's need for creative work. In modern times, the development of creative activity of people in all areas of activity is becoming one of important social problems. And the more society is interested in progress, the more revered and encouraged in this work.
Бухгалтерский учет, анализ, аудит, статистика

FSFEI of HE "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation" , Москва г
«The comparative analysis of Russian Accounting Standards and IFRS in the field of accounting and evaluation of intangible assets»
[13.00.00] Педагогические науки

SFEI V.A. Molodtsov School №285 , Москва г
«Teenagers’ engaging to sports as a psychological and pedagogical issue»

The given article justifies the necessity to engage adolescent students to physical culture. Based upon the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, the author concludes that a traditional approach in physical culture classes, used in the majority of schools, is unattractive for teenagers. They are interested in other sports, which are popular among their age mates. The conclusion is that in the current situation it is necessary to review the content of physical education (taking into account dominant motivation of school students to physical culture and sports based on gender preferences).
Педагогические науки

Institute of Pedagogy, Psychology and Sociology FSAEI of HE "Siberian Federal University" , Красноярский край
«Тренинг по развитию конфликтной компетентности для детей разного возраста»

Сonflicts of pupils is one of the most complex, common and painful processes in the society. Unfortunately, most schools do not carry out the necessary prevention and working with children. The article presents two trainings for different ages, which are aimed at the development of certain behavioral standards as well as ways to solve emerging conflicts.
[08.00.00] Экономические науки

FSBEI of HE "Ural State University of Economics" , Свердловская обл
Mikhail Y. Klyuchnikov
LLC "Ural Clinical Treatment and Rehabilitation Center" , Свердловская обл
Olga V. Alenicheva
Territorial Fund of Complete Medical Insurance , Свердловская обл
«Economic aspects of the use of innovative methods of stationary medical services payment in obligatory health insurance system»

The article considers the payment of medical services experience in a hospital with clinical and statistical groups, formed in the system of obligatory medical insurance of the Sverdlovsk region. Based on the analysis of statistical data shows that the use of this method of payment meets the challenges of the single-channel financing, allowing to influence the structure of hospitalization, the use of new medical technologies, the increase in operational activity and contributes to more optimal allocation of limited financial resources in the system of obligatory medical insurance.
Экономические науки

FGBOU VO "Mordovskii gosudarstvennyi universitet im. N.P. Ogareva" , Мордовия Респ
«Organization of intraproductive record of material resources consumption in building organizations»

As the author of the article marks, rational material resource use control among building organization should response to modern requirements, so it should be complex and cover all the subdivisions of the company which were given tasks on norm reduction and material resource economy, limits of material resources. This requirements stipulate the necessity to create a complex system of intraproductive normative accounting of material consumption on the basis of the use of progressive norms in normative economy of building organization.

FSBEI of HE "Voronezh State Pedagogical University" , Воронежская обл
«A new look on the teaching profession through the analasys of modern educational standards»

The article discusses the ways of problem solving in the sphere of pedagogical education to prepare teachers for lifelong professional self-development. The analysis and fulfillment of requirements of modern educational standards help to solve the problem of training future teachers based on system-activity approach, using personal experience of students and modern technologies. The professional teacher standard - is the main point in improving the quality of education in training teachers.

Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia , Санкт-Петербург г
«Playing educational activities as a condition of cooperation skills»

The article made an analysis of the training playing activity from the point of view of its influence on the development of collaboration skills among the participants of game sessions, spelled out the conditions for achieving this goal and the necessary ingredients for the organization of effective interpersonal interaction in the process of learning game, based on the rules and ethical norms that do not allow to manipulate and interact correctly.

Institut obshchestvennykh nauk i mezhdunarodnykh otnoshenii FGAOU VO "Sevastopol'skii gosudarstvennyi universitet" , Севастополь г
«Формирование системы международно-правовой защиты прав ребенка»

The system of international protection of children's rights as an integral part of the protection of human rights developed after the Second world war in the framework of the United Nations, one of the fundamental principles of which was the proclamation of respect for the rights and freedoms of the individual without any discrimination. The principle of respect for human rights was enshrined in the UN Charter