List of publications on a keyword: «myth»


Publication date: 14.03.2017
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Ekaterina V. Smagina , candidate of philological sciences
FSBEI of HE "Saint Petersburg State University" , Санкт-Петербург г

«Holiday as an expression of mythical mind of a modern man in C. Pavese’s works»

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This article analyses the main elements of Cesare Pavese’s poetics, an Italian writer of XX century. It is focused on the fundamental theme of festivity as a collective ritual of the mythical, sacral initiation.

[07.00.00] Исторические науки и археология

Publication date: 23.12.2016
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Zarina Z. Knyzhova , candidate of political sciences
FSBEI of HPE "Saratov State Academy of Law" , Саратовская обл

«The Eleusinian Mysteries in narrative tradition»

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The article is devoted to the Eleusinian Mysteries and their roles in ancient literature. The researcher analyzes texts of ancient authors, revealing the myth’s plot about the Persephone kidnaping by Hades and Demeter's search for her daughter. In addition to the myth, the Eleusinian Mysteries appear in ancient literature of various genres very often – from comedy to philosophical treatises – as the circumstances of the action or context of religious and existential issues.


Publication date: 02.06.2016
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Zhanat A. Aymuhambet , doctor of philological sciences
Zhuldyzay K. Kishkenbaeva
RSE on the REU "L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University" , Kazakhstan

«Binary-dyadic substructure of modern poetry and its mythical foundation»

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The article deals with the role of imagery-aesthetic and mythical origins of binary-dyadic structure in modern lyrics. Taking the findings and conclusions of theoretical scientists, the author analyzes the ways which are used for depicting the clash of controversial feelings of the lyrical character and the split of his inner world. By means of text comparisons there is research made into the display of mythical knowledge in the system of poetic thinking of the dyad, the structure of binary opposition in poetry and conclusions are drawn.

Культурология и искусствоведение

Publication date: 16.03.2016
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Ayzhan K. Salaeva
The Puppet Theatre , Kazakhstan

«Puppet Theatre as a spatio-temporal art form»

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Modern theater is an effective tool of allegorical representation of surroundingand theatrical doll is one of the means of rethinking of existing reality and simulation of the simulacrum of reality, allowing doubling the life experience. Theatrical art has become the object of a comprehensive test of fantasy, imagination, consciousness itself. As a spatio-temporal form of art, modern theater is a tool of rethinking of the traditional spatial-temporal categories of discourse, the scope for modeling qualitatively new categories of theater art, characterized by high consistence, compression of space, forming a high intertextuality, deep undertones of the puppet performances.

Парадигмы современного образования (различные направления)

Publication date: 26.04.2016
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Elena I. Sysoeva , candidate of pedagogic sciences
FSBEI HE "Samara National Research University named after academician S.P. Korolev" , Самарская обл

«Интерактивные технологии обучения в системе повышения квалификации педагогов»

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The article analyzes the psychological problems of professional development and training of teachers in system of improvement of professional skill. The article reveals the main organizational and psycho-pedagogical principles of training of teachers in system of improvement of professional skill of teachers. The author actualizes the need for the introduction and use of interactive technologies, contributing to the development of value-semantic sphere of the teacher, overcoming of professional deformation. Among the major interactive technologies of teaching and the interaction is most clearly shown and described: the conflict-method teaching studio art therapy workshops as a specific means of training and professional development of the teacher.

История и обществознание

Publication date: 13.03.2017
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Igor V. Semenov , ученик 8 «А» класса
Kolledzh imeni Dvazhdy Geroia Sovetskogo Soiuza Marshala Sovetskogo Soiuza V.I. Chuikova , Москва г
Nataliia N. Isaikina
MEI "P.A. Stolypin School №21" , Саратовская обл

«Спор богов: Афины и Посейдона»

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The author summarizes the content of the ancient Greece myth, embodied in the works of the sculptor Phidias.

Парадигмы современной науки (различные направления)

Publication date: 27.01.2016
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Anna A. Beltikova , candidate of medical sciences
Eduard A. Kashuba , doctor of medical sciences
Oksana A. Liubimtseva , candidate of medical sciences
Antonina D. Petrushina , doctor of medical sciences
FBEI of HE "Tumen State Medical University" of Public Healthcare Service of Russia , Тюменская обл

«Инфекции у детей: мифы и реальность»

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The most widespread myths about children’s infectious diseases are considered and the facts them disproving are presented.