List of publications on a keyword: «терминологическая система»
Филология и лингвистика
Viktoria N. Egorova
FSAEI of HE "Lobachevsky State Research University of Nizhniy Novgorod" , Нижегородская обл
«Phrasal terms in German special texts»
The article gives a definition and indicates a difference between the term-word and phrase-term and their place in the terminology as systems. The fundamental difference between such a system and the lexical-semantic system of language in general is on the level of semantics of the opposition, it means on the level of the concepts designated by them. Teaching students translation of technical texts one should focus on methods for the isolation of one- and multi-component terms of the text.
[10.00.00] Филологические науки
Institute of Management, Economics and Finance of FSAEI of HPE "Kazan (Privolzhskiy) Federal University" , Татарстан Респ
Dilyara M. Sadykova
FSAEI of HE "Kazan (Volga) Federal University" , Татарстан Респ
«Linguistic dictionaries of economics in the German, Russian and Tatar languages»
As is known, the degree of one or another professional language research is characterized by the specialized monolingual and multilingual dictionaries. This article describes the existing dictionaries with recorded German, Russian and Tatar economic vocabulary. The Russian and German languages belong to the languages that have well systematized economic vocabulary and it is presented by the large number of the linguistic, encyclopedic and multilingual dictionaries regarding this field. The situation with the dictionaries of economics in the Tatar language looks different. Dictionaries on this subject have been published periodically and economic vocabulary of the modern Tatar language is recorded by the electronic dictionaries in recent times.
Филология и лингвистика
FSBEI HE "Bashkir State University" , Башкортостан Респ
Lyalya G. Yusupova , candidate of pedagogic sciences
FSBEI of HE "Ural State Mining University" , Свердловская обл
«Means of terms formation in German language (on the example of technical texts)»
Филология и лингвистика (русская литература, фольклористика, журналистика, языкознание, прикладная лингвистика и др)
FSBEI of HE "Pyatigorsk State University" , Ставропольский край
«Терминологический круг герменевтического подхода в педагогике»
В статье анализируется современное состояние терминосистемы педагогической герменевтики, характеризуются основные идеи и принципы герменевтического подхода в педагогике. В работе исследуется круг терминов, сложившихся в русле герменевтического подхода, ряд терминов анализируется с точки зрения методологической и терминологической корректности.