List of publications on a keyword: «лабораторная диагностика»

Ветеринарная медицина

Publication date: 13.04.2022
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Kristina A. Guskova
Dmitrii V. Mashnin , candidate of veterinary medicine
FSBEI of HE "Omsk State Agrar University named after P.A. Stolypin" , Омская обл

«Laboratornaia diagnostika babezioza sobak»

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В статье рассматривается лабораторный метод диагностики бабезиоза собак, вызванного кровепаразитами отряда piroplasmida.


Publication date: 14.06.2019
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Andrey V. Antsyborov , graduate student
Mental Health Clinic «Psyche» , Ростовская обл
Irina V. Dubatova , candidate of medical sciences , associate professor
FSFEI of HE “Rostov State Medical University” of Russian Ministry of Health , Ростовская обл

«New psychoactive substances: psychiatrist's view»

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Appearing not long ago, new psychoactive substances (designer drugs), including synthetic cannabinoids, derivatives of cathinone, phenethylamines, new stimulants, synthetic opioids, tryptamine derivatives, phencyclidine, piperazine, the GABA (A/B) receptors agonists, have become a serious problem for consumers and for physicians. Consumers of these substances are attracted primarily by the intensity of psychoactive effects, and the «legal high» declared by the black manufacturers, which indicates that significant difficulties in a laboratory identification of new surfactants. Designer drugs, when ingested, can be influenced on many neurotransmitter pathways/receptors: dopamine, cannabinoid (CB1), GABA (A/B), 5-HT2A, glutamate, and k-opioid receptors (KOR), the imbalance of which leads to the development of polymorphic psychotic disorders.


Publication date: 05.04.2017
Evaluate the material Average score: 4 (Всего: 1)
Andrey V. Antsyborov , graduate student
Mental Health Clinic «Psyche» , Ростовская обл
Vladimir V. Mrykhin , candidate of medical sciences
FSFEI of HE “Rostov State Medical University” of Russian Ministry of Health , Ростовская обл

«Synthetic cannabinoid: prevalence, mechanisms of addiction development, mental disorders associated with the use of synthetic cannabinoid»

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According to the authors among the new psychoactive substances, the number of which is growing every year, despite the measures aimed at the obstacles to their dissemination there discovered the most frequent violations of psychotic conditions associated with use of synthetic cannabinoid in clinical practice. On the black market, they are distributed through online shops, under the guise of herbal mixtures for Smoking. When ingested, this group of drugs at the peak of intoxication raises a number of mental (different according to the depth of impaired consciousness, auditory and visual hallucinations, panic attacks, acute psychotic paranoid disorders, catatonic stupor, polar affective disorders, acute polythematic delusional symptoms) and somatic disorders (disorders of heart rhythm and conduction, acute ischemic disorders, hypertension, depression of respiratory activity, violation of thermoregulation, development of acute renal failure, vomiting, expressed cephalgia, clinic of hypokalemia). In the reviewed literature and authors own observations there have been discovered some cases of mental addiction development to synthetic cannabinoids. The analysis of new literature data and own clinical observations helped the authors to compare the psychotropic effects caused by this group of drugs, relative to other known surfactants. The toxic effects of CSC on the body greatly exceeds the use of plant cannabinoids, and it has almost the same effects as the synthetic cathinone’s. The speed of formation of psychological dependence is lower compared to synthetic cathinone. Developing current strategies for diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of patients who use synthetic cannabinoids remains an important task for practical healthcare.

Publication date: 10.04.2017
Evaluate the material Average score: 4 (Всего: 1)
Andrey V. Antsyborov , graduate student
Mental Health Clinic «Psyche» , Ростовская обл
Vladimir V. Mrykhin , candidate of medical sciences
FSFEI of HE “Rostov State Medical University” of Russian Ministry of Health , Ростовская обл

«Synthetic cannabinoids: new matrix addiction»

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The majority of synthetic cannabinoids (SC), belongs to the group of so-called designer drugs distributed through illegal online shopping. The first reports of this group of psychoactive substances appeared in the 70s of the last century. Today, according to various estimates, there are over 160 varieties of synthetic cannabinoids, and this figure is increasing annually due to the synthesis of new substances in the group. This group of substances is designed to «copy» the psychoactive effects of cannabis. Initially, these substances were created solely for research purposes, to study the endocannabinoid system of the person. Natural THC is a partial agonist of cannabinoid receptors. Synthetic cannabinoids are full agonists CB1R and CB2R types of cannabinoid receptors. Most countries in the world, including Russia, at the legislative level have taken restrictive measures for preventing the spread of this group of substances. In order to circumvent the legislative measures, the producers of synthetic cannabinoids regularly changing the chemical formula. Each year, an increasing number of emergency hospital admissions associated with the use of synthetic cannabinoids in the peer-reviewed literature describes the deaths directly attributable to medical complications after taking synthetic cannabinoids. Numerous studies have proven the possibility of developing psychological dependence due to the use of synthetic cannabinoids. The proposed review of the literature is presented for the purpose of organizing data in the field of synthetic cannabinoids.

Publication date: 16.02.2017
Evaluate the material Average score: 3 (Всего: 3)
Vladimir V. Mrykhin , candidate of medical sciences
FSFEI of HE “Rostov State Medical University” of Russian Ministry of Health , Ростовская обл
Andrey V. Antsyborov , graduate student
Mental Health Clinic «Psyche» , Ростовская обл

«Psychiatric aspects of designer drugs and new psychoactive substances consumption»

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According to the authors, appeared not long ago new psychoactive substances (designer drugs), including synthetic cannabinoids, derivatives of cathinone, phenethylamines, new stimulants, synthetic opioids, tryptamine derivatives, phencyclidine, piperazine, agonists of GABA (A/B) receptors have become a serious problem for both consumers and doctors. Consumers of these substances are attracted primarily by the intensity of psychoactive effects, as well as «legal purity», which is declared by shadow producers. This indicates that there are some significant difficulties of laboratory typing of new surfactants. Designer drugs when ingested, can affect a range of neurotransmitter pathways/receptors: dopamine, cannabinoid (CB1), GABA(A/B), 5-HT2A, glutamate, and k-opioid receptors (KOR), the imbalance of which leads to the development of polymorphic psychotic disorders.

Ветеринарная медицина

Publication date: 15.06.2016
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 1)
Antonina A. Zorikova , candidate of agricultural sciences
Iurii V. Zorikov , candidate of biological sciences
OGAPOU "Dmitrievskii sel'skokhoziaistvennyi tekhnikum" , Белгородская обл

«Остеодистрофия откормочных бычков»

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Остеодистрофия (osteodystrophia) – хроническое заболевание, при котором происходит нарушение всех обменных процессов, но особенно сильно минерального, что приводит к резкому функциональному и структурному изменению костной ткани. В данной статье представлен материал исследования причин и способов профилактики данного заболевания.

Publication date: 12.11.2015
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Anton I. Slashchiov
Universitetskaia veterinarnaia klinika FGBOU VO "Omskii gosudarstvennyi agrarnyi universitet im. P.A. Stolypina" , Омская обл
Sabina D. Mailova
Vera P. Dorofeeva , candidate of veterinary medicine
Institut veterinarnoi meditsiny i biotekhnologii FGBOU VO "Omskii gosudarstvennyi agrarnyi universitet im. P.A. Stolypina" , Омская обл

«Пироплазмоз у собак: симптоматика, лабораторная диагностика и лечение»

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В данной статье рассматривается вопрос пироплазмоза у собак, а также его симптоматика, лабораторная диагностика и лечение. Авторами была поведена лабораторная диагностика пироплазмоза, были представлены эффективная схема лечения и характерные клинические признаки данного заболевания

Медицинские науки

Publication date: 28.09.2015
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Aleksandra K. Sherstennikova , candidate of medical sciences
Elena D. Kubasova , candidate of biological sciences
FSFEI of HE "Northern State Medical University" , Архангельская обл

«Диагностика патологических состояний организма человека, основанная на идентификации биологических маркеров в слюне»

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В статье представлен обзор научной литературы, посвященный клинико-лабораторной роли слюны в диагностике заболеваний. В заключении авторы утверждают, что слюну смело можно использовать в качестве ценного инструмента для диагностики большого количества заболеваний на ранних стадиях, а также проводить массовый скрининг населения.