List of publications on a keyword: «speech therapist»

Система дошкольного, школьного и внешкольного (дополнительного) образования

Publication date: 28.09.2017
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Olesia P. Piianzina
MADOU "TsRR - D/S 104" , Свердловская обл
Anna V. Chulochnikova
Filial MBDOU - detskogo sada "Detstvo" detskii sad 318 , Свердловская обл

«Lapbook as a form of interaction of students, teacher, speech therapist and parents»

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The article focuses on the experiences of lapbook implementation as a multifunctional and efficient form of interaction of a speech therapist and a teacher in order to develop students’ speech.

[13.00.00] Педагогические науки

Publication date: 31.01.2017
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Irina M. Aleksandrova
Marina V. Koltunova
Elizaveta A. Khakimova
MBDOU D/S KV 72 "Mozaika" , Белгородская обл

«“Why does a bunny have long ears” – an integrated logopedic lesson plan»

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The authors of this article share their experience of logopedic work on preschoolers’ speech development. The scientific research describes a full lesson plan for preschoolers, improving different important skills of children.

Коррекционная педагогика, дефектология

Publication date: 26.11.2015
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Mariia A. Polshina , candidate of biological sciences
Natalia M. Suslova
FSEI of HE "Orenburg State Pedagogical University" , Оренбургская обл

«Диагностика общего недоразвития речи детей раннего возраста»

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The article considers the causes of the General underdevelopment of the speech of young children, the system of logopedic work on the prevention and elimination of these speech disorders. It is proposed to focus more on speech therapists the distinction such thing as the NRO.