List of publications on a keyword: «encourage»


Publication date: 17.08.2017
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Anna V. Nikitova
FSBEI of HE "Russian State Social University" , Москва г
Natalia V. Zhilenko
Muromskii institut (filial) FGBOU VO "Vladimirskii gosudarstvennyi universitet im. A.G. i N.G. Stoletovykh" , Владимирская обл

«Encouragement of social educators of minors»

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The article contains the results of the analysis of the legal regulation of the types and procedures of encouragement of social educators of minors, as one of the measures increasing their efficiency and stimulating their activity. The research was done on the basis of a complex approach, comparative method and the principle of methodological pluralism. The paper researches Federal legislation and regional acts of the 17 subjects of the Russian Federation, characterized by different approaches to the regulation of social educator’s encouragement measures. In conclusion classification is given of the measures of social educator’s encouragement (in the spheres of financial support, information support, education, employment and public recognition of merits). Evaluation of their efficiency is done.


Publication date: 17.02.2017
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 1)
Sophia Y. Gritsenko
Financial and Economic Institute of FSAEI of HPE "M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University" , Саха /Якутия/ Респ
Yuriy P. Rozhin
FSAEI of HE "M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University" , Саха /Якутия/ Респ

«The processes of mergers and acquisitions in the Russian banking business»

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The article is dedicated to the changes in the banking sector due to sales and aggregation of the small and medium-sized banks. This paper describes the processes of consolidation and aggregation of the banking sector in Russia, it analyses the dynamics of the M&A deals and identifies the main trends in this market segment for 2017–2018. Based on the overview of the Russian M&A market (M&A means mergers and acquisitions) in the banking sector for the past years a conclusion is drawn about the aims and rationale of the modern processes of mergers and acquisitions in the Russian banking business.

Общая педагогика, история педагогики и образования

Publication date: 09.04.2016
Evaluate the material Average score: 5 (Всего: 1)
Aliona S. Chernysh
Svetlana V. Mitrosenko , candidate of pedagogic sciences
Lesosibirskii pedagogicheskii institut (filial) FGAOU VO "Sibirskii federal'nyi universitet" , Красноярский край

«Сущность «поощрения» и «наказания»»

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В статье рассматриваются разные подходы авторов к пониманию терминов «поощрение» и «наказание» в педагогическом процессе. В работе также проанализированы средства и формы поощрения. В итоге авторы пришли к выводу о неоднозначности подходов к определению понятий «поощрение» и «наказание».