List of publications on a keyword: «soul»

Философия (этика, эстетика, религиоведение, философия культуры, философии науки и др)

Publication date: 12.08.2016
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Davlat T. Niezbekov , candidate of philosophical sciences
Institute of Humanities named after B. Iskanderov , Tajikistan

«Abu Hatim al-Razi and an ancient thought»

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The paper deals with ideological cradles of outlooks belonging to insufficiently known in historico-philosophical science of East and West philosopher and Islamism preacher in hujjat range Abu Hatim al-Razi (873-934). It is worth mention to point out that neoplatonical school more than other philosophical ancient schools left its influence on our philosopher's outlook. Moreover the paper illuminates shortly philosophical views Persian-speaking thinkers living in one epoch with Abu Hatim al-Razi.


Publication date: 16.03.2016
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Mahail B. Zykov , doctor of economic sciences, doctor of philosophical sciences
FSBEI of HE "Bunin Yelets State University" , Липецкая обл

«The person as «transcendental object» in transcendental philosophy of Immanuel Kant»

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Since the human biological body represents the ontic reality of the same nature as onticity of surrounding world, the human psychic also must be ontic. And all the reality should be knowledgeable to the accuracy of fulfillment of the humankind practical needs. But, possibly, the mechanism of human insanity and genius are not knowledgeable.

Наука и инновации в современном мире и изменения социальных ценностей

Publication date: 28.01.2016
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Mahail B. Zykov , doctor of economic sciences, doctor of philosophical sciences
FSBEI of HE "Bunin Yelets State University" , Липецкая обл

«Обоснование, теория и практика Третьей мировой революции в философской трилогии Льва Толстого»

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Three kinds of life – biological, social and spiritual, – the basic items of the Author’s doctrine of human life – are considered in connection with the problem of the efficient governing by the behavior of social entities and of the human beings, using spiritual values. It’s shown that the first fundamental ideas in the field were put forward by Russian writer, philosopher and scientist Leo Tolstoy who predicted the Third World Revolution to implement the spiritual values to the humankind’s life.