List of publications on a keyword: «культурно-историческая концепция»

Теория и методика дошкольного образования

Publication date: 02.11.2017
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Anna I. Shurgalina
МАДОУ «Д/С №267 «Рябинка» , Нижегородская обл

«Сотрудничество ДОО с семьей в рамках совершенствования РППС в соответствии ФГОС ДО»

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Статья посвящена поиску новых подходов к совершенствованию развивающей предметно-пространственной среды в отдельно взятой группе «Детского сада №267 «Рябинка».

Этнография и историческая антропология

Publication date: 25.12.2017
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Tatyana A. Chekrygina , candidate of psychological sciences
FGBUK Rostovskoi oblasti "Razdorskii etnograficheskii muzei-zapovednik" , Ростовская обл
Anna P. Ivashchenko
FSFEI of HE “Rostov State Medical University” of Russian Ministry of Health , Ростовская обл

«Cultural forms of thinking as translation-communicative basis of the individual»

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Social psychology approach to cultural dynamics used by the authors formed within the framework of the cultural and historical concept is a comparative analysis of cultural-historical process that helps to identify its main characteristic features of a particular cultural community, which are the most sustainable socio-cultural entities (cultural forms) and perform translation-communication function of the culture impact on personality development and social relations. The authors concluded that cultural forms were the main determinants of socio-cultural identification with internal mechanism – cultural forms of thinking