List of publications on a keyword: «электромагнетизм»

, Москва г
Liya L. Iavolinskaia , coordinator
ICPO "Vozrozhdenie" , Москва г
«Chernye dyry»

В данной работе авторы подробнее рассматривают феномен черных дыр. В настоящее время понятие «черные дыры» стало очень популярно. Везде в научных и околонаучных средах обсуждают этот термин. Допустим, что решение точное, но для составления уравнения реального явления в природе нужно задать условия, соответствующие именно этому явлению. А вот его наличие, как раз, существование, является предметом доказательства. Также и что касается «Чёрных дыр», написано очень много, только одну мелочь забыли доказать – существуют ли Чёрные Дыры? В данной статье доказывается, что явление «Черные дыры» не существует.

, Москва г
Liya L. Iavolinskaia , coordinator
ICPO "Vozrozhdenie" , Москва г
«Dokazatel'stvo otsutstviia termoiadernoi energetiki i nalichiia elektricheskoi energetiki na solntse i na planetakh»

, Москва г
Liya L. Iavolinskaia , coordinator
ICPO "Vozrozhdenie" , Москва г
«Sushchestvennye otlichiia novoi astronomii»

Данная работа посвящена отличиям новой астрономии. Авторам удалось сформулировать истину, что у всех природных тел есть одна сторона, отличающаяся от других сторон этого тела, и что природа не упустила этот факт, и наградила этой особенностью все тела и эксплуатирует этот факт. Механизм предъявления для обозрения только одной стороны спутника стал понятен. Во-вторых, планеты, (кроме Венеры и Меркурия) и Солнце отказались быть просто волчками, а перешли в категорию подвижных волчков – т.е. и вращения вокруг своей оси, и танца обращения вокруг некой оси в пространстве.

, Москва г
Liya L. Iavolinskaia , coordinator
ICPO "Vozrozhdenie" , Москва г
«Vulkanizm na Zemle sushchestvuet ot vrashcheniia Zemli vokrug svoei osi»

Уже длительное время считается, что Земля вращается вокруг собственной оси по инерции. Мы доказали, что это не так. Мы доказали, что первое, есть сила, которая вращает Землю, и она не инерционная. Мы доказали, что второе, на вращающихся небесных телах природа энергетики электрическая. Следствия от этих двух доказательств для астрономии очень важные и интересные. Вот одно из них.

, Москва г
Liya L. Iavolinskaia , coordinator
ICPO "Vozrozhdenie" , Москва г
«An Open Letter to All Physicists and Everyone With Common Sense»

, Москва г
Liya L. Iavolinskaia , coordinator
ICPO "Vozrozhdenie" , Москва г
«The Meaning of Making Discoveries in Russia»

The article presents some thoughts on making discoveries in present-day Russia. The paper demonstrates how difficult it is for a new and sensible view on the nature of certain matters to reach its audience. In Russia, one must exert oneself to make an impact. The authors argue that a large number of competent ideas and evidence are ignored by the public.

, Москва г
Liya L. Iavolinskaia , coordinator
ICPO "Vozrozhdenie" , Москва г
«We Have Discovered the Dark Matter»

, Москва г
Liya L. Iavolinskaia , coordinator
ICPO "Vozrozhdenie" , Москва г
«No Star Evolution»

In the article, the authors’ concept is presented, according to which all planets rotate about their axis due to their satellites. The planet and its satellite are interconnected by a shared gravity, which moves along the surface of the planet as the result of the satellite moving in an orbit. The discussed movement of gravity applies to all planets and the Sun. The shared gravity is at its maximum on the Earth and Sun surface. Particular celestial bodies have their beginning, evolution and end. On the whole, the Universe has always existed and will always exist, and such major formations as galaxies and stars will never cease to exist.
Технические науки

, Москва г
Liya L. Iavolinskaia , coordinator
ICPO "Vozrozhdenie" , Москва г
«Global Warming: The Bottom View»

In this paper, the authors theorize that all planets rotate about their axis due to their satellites. The planet and its satellite are interconnected by a shared gravity, which moves along the surface of the planet as the result of the satellite moving in an orbit. The discussed movement of gravity applies to all planets and the Sun. The shared gravity is at its maximum on the Earth and Sun surface. Based on this theory, the paper discusses causes for global warming. The hypothesis of the Earth’s crust being a cause for global warming is analyzed. In addition, an analysis of Friedmann’s theory in terms of possible galactic velocities is presented in the article.

, Москва г
Liya L. Iavolinskaia , coordinator
ICPO "Vozrozhdenie" , Москва г
«Once again in detail about where does solar energy come from»

In the concept presented in this article, the authors try to prove that all the planets revolve around their axes due to the impact of their satellites. The rotation of the Joint Force is similar for all planets and for the Sun. The sun and each planet can have several satellites. Joint Force of Graviation each pair – the satellite of the planet and the planet itself, the satellite of the Sun and the Sun itself, if it is, the Joint Force of Graviation, moves because of the satellite's orbit, rotates the planet or the Sun. The work recalls that the Joint Force of the Moon and the Earth holds the Moon so that the side of the moon with a larger mass is located in the direction of the Earth. All satellites (there are more than 150 of them) are in a rigid stable position – depending on their planets. And all planets-satellites in the solar system in rotation around their axes depend on their satellites. Earth and the Moon in this matter are not original. Researchers provide evidence of the absence of a thermonuclear reaction on the stars and argue that the energy of so-lar radiation is electrical energy, not thermonuclear. The authors remind that the Thermonuclear Reaction to the Sun does not go, as R. Davis proved: there is no, a very few, not enough for the existence of a Thermonuclear reaction solar neutrinos. And this means, most likely, there is another source of solar energy. And he really is. The article explains the mechanism of the method of F. Arago.

, Москва г
Liya L. Iavolinskaia , coordinator
ICPO "Vozrozhdenie" , Москва г
«Supposed concept: rotation – the method of the universe existence»

In this concept, authors seek to prove that all planets revolve around their axes because of the impact of their satellites. The rotation of the joint gravitational force is similar for all planets and for the Sun. The Sun and each planet can have several satellites. The joint gravitational force of each pair – the satellite of the planet and the planet itself, the satellite of the Sun and the Sun itself, if the joint force of gravity, moves due to the motion of the satellite in orbit, rotates the planet or the Sun. The article proves that the joint gravity of the Moon and the Earth, which moves around the Earth due to the Moon's rotation around the Earth, rotates the Earth around its axis. And that the joint gravity of the Moon and Earth holds the Moon so that the side of the Moon with a larger mass is located in the direction of Earth. All satellites (there are more than 150 of them) are in the same rigid stable position – depending on their planets. And all the satellite planets in the solar system in rotation around their axes depend on their satellites. The Earth and the Moon in this matter are not original. Researchers provide evidence of the absence of a thermonuclear reaction on stars and the fact that the energy of solar radiation is electrical energy, not thermonuclear. In addition, the existence of dark matter is questioned in the work. The authors also prove that it is necessary to exclude the term "synchronization", which has no right to exist due to the absence of satellites rotation of the planets around their axes.

, Москва г
Liya L. Iavolinskaia , coordinator
ICPO "Vozrozhdenie" , Москва г
«Three step proofs of theory: the rotation is the method of the universe existence. Spots on the sun – are not magnetic fields»

In their conception the authors seek to prove that all planets revolve around their axes because of their satellites influence. In the article, in detail, gradually by the points (by logical steps), it is proved that the Moon rotates the Earth around its own axis, and that the Earth keeps the Moon strictly in such state, not allowing it to turn to us by other side (All satellites, more than 150, are in the same rigid stable state – are dependent on their planets.) And all the satellites in the Solar System are spinning around their axes from their satellites. The Earth and the Moon in this matter are not original. Researchers give evidence of a lack of a thermonuclear reaction to the stars. And they prove that the energy of solar radiation is electrical energy, not thermonuclear. And sunspots are not magnetic fields.