List of publications on a keyword: «баскетболисты»
Audrone L. Dumchene , doctor of sociological sciences, doctor of pedagogic sciences , professor
Lithuanian Sports University , Lithuania

This research aimed to investigate the peculiarities of the emotional intelligence of basketball players of different levels of mastery. The study involved 33 average levels of mastery and 33 high levels of mastery sportsmen. The Schutte Emotional Intelligence Scale (SEIS) was used in the study. The results of this study revealed that appraisal of higher-level mastery basketball players was statistically significant (p < 05) higher than sportsmen's average level of mastery. But the optimism (p < 05) was higher for the average level of mastery players. No statistically significant differences in overall emotional intelligence estimates were found between average and higher level of mastery basketball players.
Физическое воспитание и здоровьесберегающая деятельность
Audrone L. Dumchene , doctor of sociological sciences, doctor of pedagogic sciences , professor
Lithuanian Sports University , Lithuania
«The Expression of the Athletics Identity of Young Basketball Players»

The study aimed to find out the differences in athletic identity between young (16–18 years old) basketball players. It was found that many indicators of the athletic identity of young basketball players selected for the national team were higher than those not invited to the national team. For they were highly expressed the negative affectivity.
Paulius Balciunas , master's degree student
Lithuanian Sports University , Lithuania
«Peculiarities of Mental Toughness Among Cadet and Junior Basketball Players»

The aim of the study is to reveal the peculiarities of mental toughness among cadet and junior basketball players. To achieve this goal, the MTQ48 questionnaire (Mental Toughness Questionnaire 48) was used as a methodological toolkit. The results showed that cadets have higher scores on the «Reaction to the Challenge» and «Control» scales compared to junior players.
Egle Ramanauskaite
Lithuanian Sports University , Lithuania
«Psikhicheskaia ustoichivost' basketbolistov i legkoatletov»

The aim of the study is to compare the indices of mental toughness among basketball players and track and field athletes. To achieve this goal the questionnaire MTQ48 (Mental Toughness Questionnaire 48) was employed. The results showed that track and field athletes have higher scores on the "Reaction to challenge" and "Control" scales compared to basketball players.
Ivan V. Aksarin
Yugra State University , Ханты-Мансийский Автономный округ - Югра АО
Sergei S. Ivashchenko
СДЮСШОР «Югория» им. А.А. Пилояна , Ханты-Мансийский Автономный округ - Югра АО
«К вопросу о принципах спортивной подготовки юных спортсменов»

Данная статья посвящена обзору принципов спортивной подготовки юных спортсменов, занимающихся баскетболом. Авторами рассмотрены принципы интенсификации, динамической адаптации, углубленной специализации и индивидуализации, которые в спортивной подготовке юных спортсменов имеют большее значение, чем в подготовке взрослых спортсменов.
Общее направление
HPEI "Syktyvkar humanitarian pedagogical college named after I. A. Kuratov" , Коми Респ
«Effektivnost' broskov v kol'tso v igrovoi deiatel'nosti basketbolistov 16-20 let»
Martynas Mazeika , student
Lithuanian Sports University , Lithuania
«Peculiarities of the willpower of young basketball players»

The peculiarities of the willpower construct components of young basketball players (16–18 years old) were studied. The study used a questionnaire to evaluate the nine components of the willpower construct. It was found that the scores of most willpower components of young basketball players who achieved higher mastery were significantly higher than those of peers who trained together but had lower athletic achievements.