Time of "fantasy" - the time-X. Career Guidance in American schools
DOI: 10.21661/r-113586
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- Published in:
- XII International Research-to-practice conference «Scientific community of students»
- Author:
- Glukhenkaya L.N. 1
- Work direction:
- Педагогические науки
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- Article accesses:
- 2866
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- eLibrary.ru
1 Institute of Foreign philology of Taurian Academy FSBEI of HE "Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky "
For citation:
Glukhenkaya L. N. (2016). Time of "fantasy" - the time-X. Career Guidance in American schools. Scientific community of students, 24-27. Cheboksary: SCC "Interactive plus", LLC. https://doi.org/10.21661/r-113586
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DOI: 10.21661/r-113586
Choice of profession - is a complex and important step in everyone's life. The purpose of professional guidance as a system of measures is not only to help choose a profession, but also in the formation of a person self-competence in the context of the new labor market requirements. In this regard, the American system of vocational guidance in the school rests on three pillars: individualization, multistage, cooperation.
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