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Classification of fossils safety from the Paleontological Museums at the Perm State National Research University

International Research-to-practice Conference for students «Scientific research and developments of students»
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International Research-to-practice Conference for students «Scientific research and developments of students»
Bashurova I. A. 1 , Старцева А.А. 1 , Азанова П.Д. 1
Work direction:
Биологические науки
Article accesses:
Published in:
1 FSBEI of HPE "Perm State National Research University"
For citation:
Bashurova I. A., Старцева А. А., & Азанова П. Д. (2018). Classification of fossils safety from the Paleontological Museums at the Perm State National Research University. Scientific research and developments of students, 9-11. Cheboksary: SCC "Interactive plus", LLC.

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On material from the museums at Regional and Oil and Gas Geology Department of the Perm State University forms of safety of fossils was described. Two systems of the description of forms of safety are compared: domestic and foreign, based on English-speaking terminology. Use of both systems of the description of a form of safety of fossils is recommended. Not only for students of the Perm State Univesity, but also for students of the Oxford University, and also other universities of Europe used this materials during field trip at Kungurian and Permian regions.


  1. 1. Drushchits V.V., Obrucheva O.P. Paleontologiya. – M.: MSU, 1971. – 415 p.
  2. 2. Mikhaylova I.A., Bondarenko O. B., Obruchev O. P. General paleontology. – M.: MSU, 1989. – 384 p.
  3. 3. Ozhgibesov V.P. Laboratory magazine. Historical Geology and Paleontology: PSNRU. – Perm, 2017. – 46 p. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: http://www.psu.ru/edititions/different/
  4. 4. Ozhgibesov V.P., Kolchanova N.G. About a practical transcription of Russian-language (stratigrafichesky) names means of English // Modern problems of geology of the Western Urals: Abstract of conference. – Perm, 1995. – P. 38–39.
  5. 5. The Oxford Russian – English Dictionary by Marcus Wheeler, Oxford, 1992. – P. 919–927.


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