
- Published in:
- International Scientific and Practical Conference «Science, education, society: trends and prospects»
- Authors:
- Pavlova O. N. 1 , Kizim A.N 2 , Dukhnova E. S. 3 , Fedotova A. A. 3 , Lobacheva A. E. 3
- Work direction:
- Биологические науки (биофизика, молекулярная биология, ботаника, зоология, экология, почвоведение и др.)
- Rating:
- Article accesses:
- 720
- Published in:
1 GBOU VO "Samarskii gosudarstvennyi meditsinskii universitet" Minzdrava Rossii
2 Saratov Brunch of Medical University "Reaviz"
3 Samara State Transport University
2 Saratov Brunch of Medical University "Reaviz"
3 Samara State Transport University
For citation:
Pavlova O. N., Kizim A. N., Dukhnova E. S., Fedotova A. A., & Lobacheva A. E. (2021). ACTIVITY OF FREE RADICAL PROCESSES IN THE ORAL FLUID OF REIMPLANTITIS PATIENTS. Science, education, society: trends and prospects, 13-16. Cheboksary: SCC "Interactive plus", LLC.
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Pereimplantitis as an inflammatory process stimulates the development of oxidative stress. Purpose of the study: to study the intensity of free radical processes in the oral fluid of patients with pereimplantitis and to identify the optimal therapy for this condition. During the study the oral fluid of 120 people with the diagnosis of pereimplantitis was studied, divided into 4 groups equally and patients were given different types of therapy of this condition. Products of oxidative modification of biomolecules were determined in oral fluid on the basis of quantitative assessment of a stained complex with thiobarbituric acid (TBA), maximum flare (MVHL) and area (PCL) H2O2-induced luminol dependent chemiluminescence were determined, and the concentration of malone dialdehyde and diene conjugates was estimated using standard methods. It was found that therapy with boron preparations, dimephosphon and complex application of boron and dimephosphon preparations contributed to restoration of
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