Pereimplantitis as an inflammatory process stimulates the development of oxidative stress. Purpose of the study: to study the intensity of free radical processes in the oral fluid of patients with pereimplantitis and to identify the optimal therapy for this condition. During the study the oral fluid of 120 people with the diagnosis of pereimplantitis was studied, divided into 4 groups equally and patients were given different types of therapy of this condition. Products of oxidative modification of biomolecules were determined in oral fluid on the basis of quantitative assessment of a stained...
One of the mechanisms for maintaining homeostasis in the body is lipid peroxidation (LPO). The influence of external and internal factors affecting the body can change the dynamics of LPO processes, causing numerous disorders in the functioning of organ systems. The dynamics of LPO processes in the early stages can be estimated from the change in the concentration of intermediate oxidation products - diene conjugates (DC). The purpose of our study was to identify the features of the differentiation of the distribution of the concentration of diene conjugates in the blood serum and tissues of w...
The article describes the production factors of the railway industry that negatively affect the health of workers and lead to the occurrence of oxidative stress, as well as the possibility of its relief and prevention of occurrence with the help of antioxidants of plant origin.
периимплантит – воспалительный процесс в области десневой манжетки сопровождающийся резорбцией костной ткани. Любой воспалительный процесс способствует возникновению дисбаланса в системе окислительно-восстановительных процессов в организме, что приводит к возникновению оксидативного стресса. Цель исследования состояла в интегральной оценке окислительного гомеостаза ротовой полости путем расчета общего антиоксидантного индекса при периимплантите и выявлении оптимальной терапии данного состояния. В ходе исследования была изучена ротовая жидкость 120 человек с диагнозом периимплантит. Для интегра...
Inventory of fauna has been carried out in the Volga-Ural interfluves and its part, the Samara region, for a long time. The necessity of fauna inventory has always been recognized by researchers, and now the problem has become of particular ecological urgency due to anthropogenic degradation of natural communities. Zoologists of the Samara region have achieved certain success in this direction.
One indicator of the stability of any population is its ability to make optimal use of food resources. The concept of biological adequacy of national cuisines determines the maximum coverage of natural food raw materials.
The article presents an analysis of modern pizza recipes offered in catering establishments in Samara, from the standpoint of health-saving (balanced) food. Relevant recommendations are given that allow you to maintain health, including in the diet considered dishes. Specified health-saving products, most suitable for cooking pizza.
в статье приведено исследование антиоксидантной активности шрота семян кунжута. Установлено, что водный экстракт шрота семян кунжута обладает ярко выраженной антиоксидантной активностью, так как ингибирует процесс аутоокисления адреналина на 54,5%.
в статье представлено исследование по изучению гепатопротекторного действия биомассы спирулины и шрота семян винограда как перспективных источников биологически активных соединений.