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The transform of Laplace, orthogonal transformations, moving fields

DOI: 10.21661/r-557130
Open Access
II International Scientific and Practical Conference «Scientific and Educational Areas Under Modern Challenges»
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Published in:
II International Scientific and Practical Conference «Scientific and Educational Areas Under Modern Challenges»
Pavlov A.V. 1
Work direction:
Естественные науки
Article accesses:
Published in:
1 FSBEI of HE “MIREA – Russian Technological University”
For citation:
Pavlov A. V. (2022). The transform of Laplace, orthogonal transformations, moving fields. Scientific and Educational Areas Under Modern Challenges, 8-14. Чебоксары: SCC "Interactive plus", LLC. https://doi.org/10.21661/r-557130

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It is proved in article, that from point of numbers and new scalar work of diagonal of arbitrary rhombus it is possible to consider identical as a result of the orthogonal transformation, when lengths of vectors are measured in the same units of measuring as on sides of the rhombus. In the second part of article some class of functions is resulted: the values of the functions restore on the known positive values of the transform of Laplace. In the third part of article the examples are resulted, when a function of points of complex plane become periodic with the arbitrary period (from point of some introduction of two systems of co-ordinates).


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