Psychological conditions for the harmonious development of the child's personality in the family

- Published in:
- International Scientific and Practical Conference «Relevant lines of scientific research: theory and practice»
- Authors:
- Shevchenko E.V. 1 , Sergeeva T. V. 1 , Mishurova I. V. 1 , Golovko A. V. 1
- Work direction:
- Психология
- Rating:
- Article accesses:
- 536
- Published in:
1 MBDOU "D/S 8"
For citation:
Shevchenko E. V., Sergeeva T. V., Mishurova I. V., & Golovko A. V. (2023). Psychological conditions for the harmonious development of the child's personality in the family. Relevant lines of scientific research: theory and practice, 83-85. Cheboksary: SCC "Interactive plus", LLC.
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Interpersonal relationships in the family and their influence on the formation of personality and behavior of children is as follows: a very important factor of emotional balance and mental health of the child is the stability of the family environment
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