Eliseev Vladimir Alexeevich

Place of work

CJSC "Institute of Innovation and Technology Management"
professor, chief research scientist
doctor of engineering sciences

Author's articles(6)

Directions of development of satellite monitoring of railway transport

1 2 3 4 5


the article reviews the purpose and tasks of satellite monitoring of railway transport, reveals the development of global satellite navigation systems of the US, Russia, EU and China – space and user segments; of ground telecommunications satellite systems – control segments of GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and Beidou; domestic developments in satellite technology. Considering techno-economic and socio-humanitarian perspective, as well as the geopolitical nature of satellite monitoring, it is recommended, firstly, to expand significantly the range of user’s equipment GLONASS, to improve its technical...

Аспекты глобализации в программно-стратегическом развитии железнодорожного транспорта

1 2 3 4 5


в статье отмечаются стратегические ориентиры, перспективы и приоритеты программно-стратегического развития отечественного ж/д транспорта. Показано, что это развитие находится в русле современных тенденций глобализации и имеет выраженный наукоемкий характер. Рассмотрены экономические и технико-технологических аспекты в части тарифообразования, риск-менеджмента, оказания экспедиторских услуг, экспертизы инновационных проектов и программ, автоматизации и программного обеспечения, управления проектами создания поездов новых и будущих поколений, проектирования транспортного строительства тоннелей м...

Gradual prospects of development of railway energy

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in the analytical review of the Energy Strategy of the RZD Holding, the target indicators of its activities are set out and the tasks of the energy policy are listed. At the identified stages of the strategy implementation, the identified priorities, benchmarks and development mechanisms were noted. The relation of the strategy to the regulatory state regulations and documents is shown, and the domestic railroad train energy – to save energy and improve the country's energy efficiency.

Stage prospects of development of railway and transport engineering

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in the analytical consideration of the step-by-step development of domestic transport engineering, the main directions of the elaborated state strategy are outlined. The established priorities, guidelines and development mechanisms are noted. The relation of strategy to regulatory state regulations and documents is shown, and domestic branch machine-building – in increasing the equipment of railway transport.

Scientific and technological determinants of innovation development strategy

1 2 3 4 5


the subject content of the work is domestic innovative development, the theme – scientific and technological aspects, and purpose – consideration of the determinants of the current Strategy until 2020 and prospective one – anticipated Strategy until 2030. The Methodology of work is the application of elements of system analysis (taken and expected government decisions) in the field of innovation research and technological development relating to directions, outcomes, determinants, indicators, challenges and priorities. The research is based on the general scientific method (problem statement,...

Functional Variability of Technological Platforms in Innovation Infrastructure

1 2 3 4 5


the subject of the work is innovative development, the theme is the role and specificity of «platform» management in the infrastructure of innovative development, and the purpose is to display the multi-functional variability of the participation of technological platforms in the innovation and infrastructure management practice of the EU, Russia and EurAsEC. The methodology of the work consists in the application of elements of system analysis (accepted and expected state decisions) in the innovative sphere of scientific and technological development, concerning: comparative characteristics o...