Rizaeva Rakhat Rasulovna

Author's articles(2)

Value orientations of the person as a basis for purposeful formation and physical education of children



The article considers the essence of the concept of "value orientation", which is an important factor in the motivation of individual behavior, the basis of its social actions and influence on the process of personal choice. Value orientation not only determine the motives of the entity's activities, but also influence on the choice and course of the activity itself. Thus, they are the link between the person, his needs and the environment.

Training of teaching staff in introducing preventive education about young people healthy lifestyle



в статье рассматриваются вопросы укрепления и сохранения здоровья, оптимизация учебного процесса, разработка здоровьесберегающих технологий обучения и формирования ценности здоровья и здорового образа жизни подростков и молодежи.