Kuzmina Svetlana Aleksandrovna

Author's articles(3)

Формирование познавательного интереса у детей старшего дошкольного возраста посредством игрового занимательного материала и интерактивных технологий



Cognitive interest - it is one of the most important for the development of preschool teacher motivation. Under his influence, even in weak employment of children occurs more efficiently. Activation of cognitive activity of the child without the development of his cognitive interest is not only difficult, but virtually impossible. Game entertaining material and interactive technology - a means by which children develop and strengthens cognitive interest

Командообразование в детском саду



в статье отмечено, что общение – основное условие развития ребёнка, важнейший фактор формирования личности, один из главных видов деятельности человека, устремленный на познание и оценку самого себя через посредство других людей. Одним из направлений решения проблемы общения может выступать организация работы по командообразованию с детьми дошкольного возраста.

Organization of cognitive activity of children using elements of robotics



The purpose of the organization of educational and research activities in the senior group is to use the material more saturated and informative, to include new technologies in the educational process. Knowledge that is obtained through experiments, comparisons, experiments is most easily comprehended by children. Children of 6 years old have enough elementary research skills, they approach the stage of self-planning of experiments and are able to check the correctness of their doubts with the help of the necessary various tools. This article is the result of the activities of educators for th...