Grishechko Ovsanna Savvichna

Place of work

Philology, journalism and intercultural communication institute FSAEI of HE "Southern Federal University"
candidate of psychological sciences

Author's articles(2)

Языковые фреймы и речевые паттерны как средства коммуникативного воздействия



The article touches upon the problem of linguistic manipulation achieved in the English language through systematization of speech patterns and language frames within the utterance. The authors analyze patterns and frames as interdisciplinary concepts, verbal categories and productive means of speech manipulation, analyze theoretical premises of the issue, and give examples of practical linguistic implementation of frame-based structuring of the utterance following the existing speech patterns.

Базовые компоненты процесса реконструкции языкового портрета личности



The article touches upon fundamental constituents underlying reconstruction of the individual language portrait as per theoretic premises of linguistic personology. The authors analyze the concepts of identity and language portrait as notions of linguistic knowledge, consider the issue of lingual reasoning and individual speech production, single out 5 components of speech portraiture allowing for structural description of linguistic identity.