Sokolnikova Irina Vladimirovna

Author's articles(3)

К проблеме повышения эффективности управления дошкольным образовательным учреждением



the author draws attention to the need to improve management of preschool educational institution, a departure from legacy approaches, search of new tools, methods, technology management and innovation in the activities of the senior educator of preschool educational institutions. This will allow to improve planning and other managerial functions, will help create favorable conditions for professional and creative growth of teachers of DOE.

Изучение состояния системы дошкольного образования города Белгорода



the author of the article, analyzing the state of the system of preschool education of Belgorod notes, the fact that the public authorities are interested and support the development of innovative activities in the content and technologies of educational process of preschool institutions. But there are a number of problems that hamper the development of innovative processes in management: such as insufficient funding of preschool institutions, the overcrowding of groups of children, overload of

Значение формирования профессиональной готовности старшего воспитателя к инновационной деятельности



the author draws attention to the need to change the process of managing preschool educational institution, innovation in the activities of the senior educator of preschool educational institutions. This will allow to improve planning and other management functions that will facilitate the creation of favorable conditions for professional and creative growth of the senior caregivers and teachers of PRESCHOOL educational institutions and will contribute to the development of competitiveness of pr