Kolchanova Natalia Georgievna

Author's articles(2)

Частные и общие стратиграфические индексы ярусов фанерозойской эонотемы в новой шкале



The Stratigraphic indexes from the Stratigraphic Code of Russian Federation substantially became outdated. Instead of them the updated indexes of tiers formed by letters of Latin of the English alphabet are offered. Changes as a part of tiers in the general stratigraphic scale of the Russian Federation are considered.

Опыт проведения секции «Геология на английском» на студенческой научной конференции геологического факультета Пермского университета



At the Geological Faculty of the Perm State National Research University reports on several geological sections annually are heard. The traditional section "Geology in English" works. Participation in conference in English helps students and graduate students to gain experience for the subsequent performances at scientific conferences abroad and in Russia.