Ilyashenko Svetlana Valentinovna

Place of work

MPEI "K/g 94 КV"

Author's articles(2)

Интеграция как эффективная форма организации педагогического процесса с детьми дошкольного возраста



в статье представлен авторский конспект интегрированного музыкально – речевого занятия в подготовительной к школе группе.

The use of cinquain technology in correctional work with speech disorders children



the authors of this article point out, modern life dictates its own laws: speech becomes more business-like, laconic, devoid of imagery, the brightness. Good word knowledge - is an art that you need to learn more than one year. Person's social status and his professional career depends on this. Solving of speech problems is a hot topic in preschool years. While training children with speech disorders it is necessary to use all the known in the correctional pedagogy methods and techniques, including modern methods of teaching.