List of publications on a keyword: «biology»
MAOU "SOSh 78" , Кемеровская обл
«The use of instructional maps in biology lessons»
В статье описывается опыт применения инструктивных карт на уроках биологии, его плюсы, методика работы с картами, а так же их наполнения. разъяснена значимость инструктивных карт с позиции требований к реализации ФГОС. The article describes the experience of using instructional maps in biology lessons, its advantages, methods of working with maps, as well as their filling. the importance of instructional maps from the standpoint of requirements for the implementation of the Federal State Budget is explained.
Larisa V. Rakhmanova
Inna A. Savchuk
MBOU "SOSh 13" , Астраханская обл
«Organization of project activities within the framework of integrated lessons (from work experience)»
This article discusses examples of the integration of computer science, biology and mathematics subjects with the use of project activities. The preparation for the lesson, the division of students into microgroups and their work within the framework of their assignment, as well as the results of the students' work are described in stages. In conclusion, conclusions are drawn about the opportunities that the educational project gives to students and teachers.
Тема номера
MBEI “Gymnasium” , Красноярский край
Marina A. Chizhova , candidate of engineering sciences , associate professor
Lesosibirsk branch of FSBEI of HE “Reshtnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology” , Красноярский край
«Bionics as the New Required Vector of Development»
The article analyzes and summarizes the principles of architectural bionics applied to various construction and technical structures. The analysis was carried out in the course of studying the scientific literature on the topic “Bionics. Architectural structures». The purpose of this work is to study the principles of architectural bionics, to study the possibility and effectiveness of their application for solving engineering and technical problems. The main task of the work was to study the directions and principles of development of architectural bionics, to assess the effectiveness of their application for solving technical problems, to find the correspondence of biological systems to construction and technical structures and facilities, to analyze known architectural structures from the point of view of architectural bionics.
Kolledzh imeni Dvazhdy Geroia Sovetskogo Soiuza Marshala Sovetskogo Soiuza V.I. Chuikova , Москва г
Elena I. Barinova
MEI "P.A. Stolypin School №21" , Саратовская обл
«Similarities and differences between animal cells and plant cells»
Биологические науки
Anna A. Resenchuk , candidate of philological sciences
FSFEI of HE "Kemerovo State University " , Кемеровская обл
«The concept «Competition» in Biology and Ecology»
The article examines definitions of the concept «Competition» given by several dictionaries. In the article much attention is given to its place in biology and ecology in particular. It describes in detail the types of interactions between organisms and their groups in the biosphere and focuses on the competition as a sub-type mentioning its forms and the main resources organisms compete for. It is shown that people as a species experience competition as well. The article is of interest to biology and ecology students, who would want to develop their understanding of the concept «Competition».
Academic College , Краснодарский край
«Chemical analysis of wine conservation agents and their impact on health»
The article provides the analysis of used conservation agents in the wine industry and the research about their impact on human's health. Sulfur dioxide and potassium sorbate are often used in the food industry and winery. This research shows which dose is potentially a threat to human's health. According to the norms of the Customs Union – the permissible dose of sulfites in wine is 300 mg/l. In this amount for healthy people, the E220 additive does not pose a threat. According to the research, the safest wines, with the minimum amount of conservation agents are "organic" wines, the content of sulfur dioxide in them is from 10 mg/l to 120 mg/l.
Филологические науки
FGBOU VO "Mordovskii gosudarstvennyi universitet im. N.P. Ogareva" , Мордовия Респ
«Специфика «биологического» в научной фантастике А.Р. Беляева (на материале романов «Голова профессора Доуэля» и «Человек-амфибия»)»
В статье анализируется специфика «биологического» в творчестве А.Р. Беляева, приводятся конкретные примеры использования тематики «биологических» экспериментов, которая неоднократно встречается у многих научных отечественных фантастов. Автор приходит к выводу, что подобный тематический диапазон приводит в конечном итоге к образованию «супергеройских» текстов и кинокартин, в которых в центр повествования ставится человек с физиологическими отклонениями.
Парадигмы современной науки (различные направления)
FSAEI of HE "Southern Federal University" , Ростовская обл
«Тенденции развития современного института отцовства»
The article considers the institution of fatherhood in the context of traditional and new approaches that enable to identify new trends in the content of the role and status of his father, shows the problems and conditions of growth paternal parent families. The author analyzes how family policy is «friendly» to the men and help to promote responsible fatherhood.