List of publications on a keyword: «innovation processes»

Медицинские науки

Publication date: 30.11.2017
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Nikolai N. Kostrodymov , candidate of medical sciences
NP "Natsional'nyi Tsentr sanitarnogo prosveshcheniia naseleniia "SANPROSVET" , Москва г
Aleksandr N. Razumov , doctor of medical sciences, professor
GAUZ g. Moskvy "Moskovskii nauchno-prakticheskii tsentr meditsinskoi reabilitatsii, vosstanovitel'noi i sportivnoi meditsiny Departamenta zdravookhraneniia g. Moskvy" , Москва г
Valeriy D. Volodin , doctor of medical sciences
Sergei A. Medvedev , candidate of economic sciences
NP "Natsional'nyi Tsentr sanitarnogo prosveshcheniia naseleniia "SANPROSVET" , Москва г

«The innovative potential of medical science – health care of the Russian Far East»

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The article provides the content-analysis of publications of the Far-Eastern medical journal (2007–2016) regarding innovative processes perfecting the work of general practitioners: intellectualization, medical insurance, primary medical assistance on principle of a general practitioner (family doctor), medical prophylaxis and interpretation of medical activity. It has been observed that vector of the scientific researches reflected in the journal publications is mainly presented by the intellectualization. The findings demonstrate that journal publications do not transfer the innovations of medical activity under health insurance regulations to the doctors that provide innovative perfection of their work on medical insurance, further development of primary medical assistance provided by the general practitioner (family doctor), medical prophylaxis, interpretation of medical activity, that restrains the improvement of medical assistance to the population, the solution to the current problems of the health care of the Russian Far East. The diversification of scientific researches is needed on medical insurance, further development of primary medical assistance provided by the general practitioner (family doctor), medical prophylaxis, interpretation of medical activity. Optimal mosaic innovations should solve the medico-social aspects of demographic crisis in the region.

Педагогические науки

Publication date: 02.03.2016
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Irina V. Sokolnikova
FSAEI of HE "Belgorod State National Research University" , Белгородская обл

«Значение формирования профессиональной готовности старшего воспитателя к инновационной деятельности»

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The author draws attention to the need to change the process of managing preschool educational institution, innovation in the activities of the senior educator of preschool educational institutions. This will allow to improve planning and other management functions that will facilitate the creation of favorable conditions for professional and creative growth of the senior caregivers and teachers of PRESCHOOL educational institutions and will contribute to the development of competitiveness of pr

Publication date: 03.02.2016
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Irina V. Sokolnikova
FSAEI of HE "Belgorod State National Research University" , Белгородская обл

«К проблеме повышения эффективности управления дошкольным образовательным учреждением»

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The author draws attention to the need to improve management of preschool educational institution, a departure from legacy approaches, search of new tools, methods, technology management and innovation in the activities of the senior educator of preschool educational institutions. This will allow to improve planning and other managerial functions, will help create favorable conditions for professional and creative growth of teachers of DOE.