List of publications on a keyword: «плавление»
Технические науки
The University of Technology of China , The People's Republic of China
«The study modification processes of the surface layer and fabrication of three-dimensional machine parts by selective laser melting»
Тема номера
Andrey G. Haydarov , candidate of engineering sciences, associate professor , associate professor
St. Petersburg State Technological Institute (Technological University) , Санкт-Петербург г
«Korreliatsiia temperatur plavleniia, kipeniia i kriticheskoi so skrytoi teplotoi plavleniia veshchestva»

В данной статье на основании молекулярно-энергетической концепции распаковки вещества рассмотрен взгляд на температуры плавления, кипения и критическую для вещества с точки зрения изменения энергии молекулы вещества. Показана теоретическая взаимосвязь каждой из этих температуры со скрытой теплотой плавления. Результаты этой взаимосвязи доведены до расчетных формул. Полученные формулы подтверждены данными из справочников и известными эмпирическими зависимостями. На основании анализа справочных данных сделан вывод о скрытой теплоте плавления, как части внутренней энергии вещества. Таким образом с помощью модели распаковки вещества найдено еще одно подтверждение единой связи явления поверхностного натяжения, процессов поверхностного плавления, плавления в объеме, поверхностного кипения, кипения в объеме, испарения.
Andrey G. Haydarov , candidate of engineering sciences, associate professor , associate professor
St. Petersburg State Technological Institute (Technological University) , Санкт-Петербург г
«Molecular Energy Concept of Substances Unpacking»

This article brings together previously published evidence of the unified nature of physical processes and phenomena in terms of changes in the energy of a substance molecule. The unified physical nature of all these physical phenomena has been proven, as a single multistage process of energetic unpacking of molecules of a substance, which is logical to call the molecular-energy concept of unpacking a substance. The considered processes include the following processes. Surface rupture, characterized by the surface tension coefficient. The melting process of a substance characterized by its melting point. A boiling process characterized by the boiling point. Evaporation (and condensation) process characterized by internal energy and enthalpy as well as critical point. The conclusions of the theory are confirmed by well-known empirical dependences and by reference books of the physical properties of simple substances: internal energy, enthalpy, surface tension, melting point, boiling point and critical point.
Технические науки
FSBEI of HE “Samara State Technical University” , Самарская обл
«Исследование возможности пропитки пористого каркаса карбосилицида титана хромом»
Andrey G. Haydarov , candidate of engineering sciences, associate professor , associate professor
St. Petersburg State Technological Institute (Technological University) , Санкт-Петербург г
«Correlation of temperatures of melting and boiling of substances from the hypotheses of unpacking the substance»

According to the properties of melting points and boiling points of the elements of the periodic table of D.I. Mendeleyev the application of the unpacking hypothesis of the substance was verified. The article contains the results of the verification. In general, according to the data for 98 substances taken from the information in Internet, convergence of results with an error of up to 40% for 73 substances was obtained. The effect of periodicity on the result is found. An exception to the calculated dependences was obtained for ten substances: noble gas and most halogens. A large discrepancy between the theoretical formulas and the reference data was also caused by the 14 elements of the middle groups.
Технические науки
Tatiana N. Borovik
Moscow Technological University , Москва г
«Влияние дефокусировки на возникновение прожогов при импульсной лазерной сварке серебра»
Andrey G. Haydarov , candidate of engineering sciences, associate professor , associate professor
St. Petersburg State Technological Institute (Technological University) , Санкт-Петербург г
«Interconnection between melting, boiling and critical points»

We received theoretical formulas of the interconnection between melting, boiling and critical temperatures. Uniform physical representation of melting, boiling and evaporation processes was the basis for deriving the formula of interconnection between them. We use the concept of the material substance internal energy in terms of the molecules “unpacking” idea. The reference manual data on 85 substances from 13 to 855 degrees Kelvin confirms the theoretically derived formulas. We carried out the comparison of theoretical formulas and experimental data by their mean values. A simple ideal substance model with spherical molecules was considered as a model of substance molecule. The melting point is 1/3, and the boiling point ranges from 1/2 to 2/3 of the critical point for this model.
Технические науки
ООО «РН–УфаНИПИнефть» , Башкортостан Респ