List of publications on a keyword: «doping»


Publication date: 13.04.2020
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Beatrice Sipaviciute , master's degree student
Lithuanian Sports University , Lithuania

«Personal and Social Factors of Doping in Sport»

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Doping is related to antisocial behavior and cheating in sport, therefore it is important to highlight factors which have impact on intention to use prohibited drugs. Results show that such factors are athletes’ morality, moral identity, perception of success in sport, personality traits, perfectionism, moral climate in team, motivational climate created by the coach, and restraint of athletes’ autonomy.

Медицинские науки

Publication date: 25.05.2018
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Nikolai I. Eruslankin , студент 3 курса лечебного факультета
Aleksandr S. Zhigalov , студент 3 курса лечебного факультета
Iuliia A. Sorokina , candidate of biological sciences , доцент
FGBOU VO "Privolzhskii issledovatel'skii meditsinskii universitet" Minzdrava Rossii , Нижегородская обл

«The anti-doping awareness and self-control level among students of Nizhny Novgorod Regional College of the Olympic Reserve named after VS Tishin»

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The researchers compiled the survey questions for students School of Olympic Reserve on doping control, use of stimulants, sports nutrition young athletes. The results showed a high level of awareness of the sanctions upon detection of banned substances, but the lack of knowledge about the features of these substances affect the body and about the possible dangers of their use.


Publication date: 16.06.2016
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Valentin D. Ivanov , candidate of pedagogic sciences, associate professor , доцент
Viktoriia A. Valiullina
Anna V. Pimenova
Vlada V. Khashkovskaia
FSBEI of HE «Chelyabinsk State University» , Челябинская обл

«Правовое обеспечение общественного порядка и общественной безопасности при проведении спортивных мероприятий в Российской Федерации»

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In the present article the legal aspects in the field of doping athletes, administrative and criminal liability for that act.

Publication date: 06.05.2016
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Valentin D. Ivanov , candidate of pedagogic sciences, associate professor , доцент
Albina R. Khadeeva
Ekaterina V. Titova
FSBEI of HE «Chelyabinsk State University» , Челябинская обл

«Преступления в спорте, связанные с допингом, и ответственность за них»

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In this article, we consider what acts related to doping, are subject to criminal, administrative and disciplinary responsibility. Also identified criteria for determining prohibited substances. In conclusion determined how the doping threat to modern sport.

Физическое воспитание и здоровьесберегающая деятельность

Publication date: 21.10.2016
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Aleksey A. Sorokin
Pavel V. Chistov
Anastasia Y. Tutukina
FSBEI of HE "Ivanovo Fire and Rescue Academy SFPS of EMERCOM of Russia" , Ивановская обл

«Effect of anabolics, steroids and doping and hormones on human health and the attitude of society towards him»

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This article describes the concept and types of performance enhancing drugs, the influence of doping on the human body, society's attitude to drugs having an anabolic effect

Publication date: 01.06.2016
Evaluate the material Average score: 3 (Всего: 1)
Valentin D. Ivanov , candidate of pedagogic sciences, associate professor , доцент
FSBEI of HE «Chelyabinsk State University» , Челябинская обл
Ruslan A. Shaminov
Lidiia S. Barkova
Diana R. Ramazanova
Institute of Law of FSBEI of HE «Chelyabinsk State University» , Челябинская обл

«Допинги и последствия их применения»

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Addressed the topic of use of performance enhancing drugs by athletes, effects on health, leading to various diseases. Penalties for violations of the rules.