The article contains information about which chemical and fiziologicheskie processes occur in the body during the run. What can cause pain, injury, and how to avoid them. Now society begins to actively carry out a healthy lifestyle, many people start Jogging, but Amateurs often make mistakes and this article should help them to avoid them.
The history of the National Basketball Association, men's professional basketball League in North America, particularly USA and Canada, has more than 60 years. During this period of time the League has undergone many changes, the NBA has changed over time, introduced new rules, new restrictions. The current Association is very different from how it all began. Most often, all these changes took place thanks to people outside the site, but sometimes people on the floor or on the bench caused parti
In Russia, the sport ceased to belong to the sector of recreation and leisure. Modern sport has become a dynamic industry, one of the most profitable sectors of the economy. In the article, the industry of sports in Russia, various forms of its manifestation, the importance of this sector of the economy for our state.
Целью статьи является: рассмотрения сущности анаболических стероидов с точки зрения медицины и спорта, определения «плюсов» и «минусов» их применения, дать ответ на вопрос: «Стоит ли использовать фармакологические средства в спорте?». У людей, которые не имею к спорту отношения, слово стероиды вызывают негативные эмоции. Они считают, что анаболические стероиды приносят только вред, хотя имеют поверхностные знания о фармакологии. В статье приведены сведения об анаболических стероидах, их особенно
в данной статье рассмотрена история системы ГТО в СССР и возрождённая в настоящее время в России система спортивно-патриотического воспитания населения, особенно молодёжи. Всероссийский физкультурно-спортивный комплекс «Готов к труду и обороне» (ГТО) рассматривается как ядро физического, духовно-нравственного и патриотического воспитания населения. В статье представлен анализ нормативов, а также дальнейший путь развития данного комплекса в условиях современной России.
спорт – это жизнь. И чтобы жить здорово, нужно выполнять различные упражнения, зная их классификацию. В статье содержится информация о различных видах физических упражнений с физиологической точки зрения, приведены примеры, а также изложены точки зрения Д.Н. Давиденко, Я.М. Коц и В.С. Фарфель по данному вопросу.
The article illuminates the issues of sports nutrition. Determined notions of nutrition as an important direction in improving the quality of life and optimization of the human motor activity, including in sport and physical culture. The types of sports nutrition depending on the sportsman’s goals is emphasized.
In today's world, you need a person with the maximum development of all human forces: physical, emotional, mental, intellectual, etc. However, the field of physical education both in quantitative and in its substantial characteristics does not meet the increased needs of the social system. Physical activity has always been a functional need of all living things and, first of all, human. It is possible to achieve if to organize the training of pre-school children a separate, tailored for differen
The article illuminates the issues of sports nutrition. Determined notions of nutrition as an important direction in improving the quality of life and optimization of the human motor activity, including in sport and physical culture. The types of sports nutrition depending on the sportsman’s goals is emphasized.
в статье рассматриваются особенности физического воспитания школьников в СССР и в современной России. Физическое воспитание является общей частью воспитания, данный процесс направлен на укрепление здоровья, развитие функций организма, физических способностей, а также на достижение совершенства в физической подготовке.
In this article, we consider what acts related to doping, are subject to criminal, administrative and disciplinary responsibility. Also identified criteria for determining prohibited substances. In conclusion determined how the doping threat to modern sport.
Muscles – organs of the body of animals and humans, consisting of elastic, muscular tissue, able to contract under the influence of nerve impulses. We have over 600 of them. They constitute from one third to one half of our body weight. And along with the connective tissue they unite the structure of the body, support us, help to move. Their structure, structure, growth mechanism of coordinated work of a very complex process. The article reveals the mechanisms of recovery and muscle growth and m
This article provides an assessment of the prospects of development of "digital sports", based on an analysis of historical and economic data, legal acts of the Russian Federation, foreign countries, as well as international agreements.
The article discusses crimes in the field of sports law, relevance in modern times. Types of crimes in the sphere of sport, as well as their legal regulation and the need to improve the regulatory framework of sports law.
The health, mood and health of the person depends on numerous conditions. To too time from among these conditions characterizing a state of health of the person an essential role it is sent to food. The healthy or balanced diet is a pledge not only health of the person, but also his emotional state. At a balanced diet the human body receives necessary substances for implementation of the majority of vital signs, strengthening of health and to endurance increase that is very important for athlete
Addressed the topic of use of performance enhancing drugs by athletes, effects on health, leading to various diseases. Penalties for violations of the rules.
the purpose of this article is to review the theoretical part of strength training and the results of the use of such a theory in practice. This article is focused on introduction to the basic components of strength training that is an integral part of the success in training aimed at improving power performance.
The article discusses sports training and especially training of athletes with lesions of the musculoskeletal system.Athletics for persons with disorders of the musculoskeletal apparatus is a unique and universal means of physical, mental and social rehabilitation.
The problems associated with the impact of jet lag on physical performance of students. For modern man it is important to consider your individual biorhythms in the development and justification of the different operation modes, as discovered that they can affect physical and mental performance.
в статье авторы рассматривают причины того, что Греция стала родиной Олимпийских игр. Представлены три фактора, которые способствовали проведению Олимпийских игры в Древней Греции. Сопоставив условия Древних Греции, Египта, Индии и Китая, авторы пришли к выводу, что именно древнегреческое государство способствовало появлению такого уникального явления, как Олимпийские игры.
Covers the basics of the lifestyle of the average student, in particular, are the most severe student problems associated with malnutrition. Presents possible ways to overcome this problem.
в статье рассмотрена проблема организации и проведения анимационных программ на территории детского оздоровительного лагеря. Авторами предлагается решение данных проблем через детальное изучение возрастных особенностей детей и периодов лагерной смены.
в данной статье рассматриваются вопросы спортивного образа жизни студента. Важность его для развития личностных качеств, отличной успеваемости не только в учёбе, но и во всей его жизни. Говорится также и о здоровье, здоровом образе жизни, которые также являются важными показателями современной жизни и которые, несомненно, связаны с физической культурой и спортом.